Hello, my name is Andrew Ryan and I'm here to ask you a question: is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
No, says the man in Washington. It belongs to the poor. No, says the man in the Vatican. It belongs to God. No, says the man in Moscow. It belongs to everyone.
I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible.
I chose... Rapture
They just sent me a key for Bioshock after sending them a picture of my disc and code that would not work on steam. Happy days.
I'm getting appalling performance in these remasters, whether running at a straight 1080p or 4K (via DSR) I'm getting drops down into the 30's fps wise.
Thought SLI might be the problem but it makes no difference if disabled.
CPU or GPU are not being taxed in any way yet I'm only getting these sort of frame rates, swings wildly from mid 30's to 60, no matter what settings I change in game or the NCP.
Driver cleaner and then test. Something amiss for you. "see you later little fish!"
Does this Bioshock Infinite get better? It just seems to be wandering through a load of empty places searching desks and bins up til now.