Bioshock: The Collection - HD Remastered

Steam is partially back had to use the -tcp switch. Noticed it hit the record or close to it a little while ago 10.6M concurrent users :eek: these games are still popular & for free I guess adds interest!
I agree if you remember it's a remaster and run it at high resolutions it still looks great. Rapture so needs to be built for real. Would someone kindly do that. I just linked my 4k TV up to see and yes it's lovely especially on sofa distance. I still must use keyboard and mouse. Can't be using game pad. Got ultrawide set up thanks to link above.
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Loving this so far, its almost like playing it for the first time as i hardly remember any of it. Looks really good as well, the new lighting and particle effects really add to the atmosphere.

They seem to be very good to us PC gamers, giving us these remasters for free and they pretty much gave us infinite free at launch with the included games (or was that down to the vendors?). Think thats the best deal I have ever had, Infinite, xcom and the Line for £25 or whatever it was. Then there was also minervas den dlc for free after they changed Bioshock 2 over from GFWL.

Edit: Game crashed and when I reloaded the save all my game setting had reset, including the difficulty. Hope that wont affect the achievement as i'm too far in to restart.
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I think we can all agree remaster or not these games were truly works of art. So, I mean so many fond memories of playing Bioshock 1 through, many years back now :(

Totally agree!

Looking forward to playing them again. Also, I never played minervas den so that will be good.
They seem to be very good to us PC gamers, giving us these remasters for free and they pretty much gave us infinite free at launch with the included games (or was that down to the vendors?). Think thats the best deal I have ever had, Infinite, xcom and the Line for £25 or whatever it was. Then there was also minervas den dlc for free after they changed Bioshock 2 over from GFWL.

Yeah that was a hell of a deal, I had both those games already but sold the XCom key to effectively bring down the price down, and gave away The Line. I'd actually already got The Line for free with another 2K purchase. Also I didn't originally buy BioShock through steam but have it there as a freebie from a 2K pre-order at some point, they're very generous. :)
I might give Bioshock 1 another go.

I actually bought an X360, rather than a PS3, partly because of Bioshock (along with Dead Rising, also 'remastered' this week), as it was a timed console exclusive on 360. But then never bought it.

Finally played a year or so ago on PC and, whilst I loved the setting and atmosphere, I just found playing it a bit of a drag. Think I wasted too much time and enthusiasm trying to kill Big Daddies rather than crack on with the story. Didn't get all that far in it.

It deserves a second chance.
So if you own all three already you get the remasters of 1 & 2 ...Infinite stays the same as it's already "remastered" so to speak but you DON'T get the DLC where as new buyers do?
So if you own all three already you get the remasters of 1 & 2 ...Infinite stays the same as it's already "remastered" so to speak but you DON'T get the DLC where as new buyers do?

Doesn't that make sense? They're not going to give you free DLC surely?
I was going to give the bioshock remasters a go but upon downloading steam is saying:
Bioshock 1: 21115mb required
Bioshock 2: 20439mb required

whaat on earth!
It's getting slammed on Steam with people having mouse problems, crashes, etc. I'm about to check it out on the Xbone to see what it looks like on there.
Do you know what the hilarious thing is? I bought Bioshock on Steam 9 years ago and tried to play it on my brand new Dell laptop with nVidia 8600M GT 256MB graphics. It ran OK but frame rate was ridiculously low at times. And guess what? I'm still using that same laptop to type this message.

I am going to try the remaster for a laugh but I bet it won't run at all now.
For anyone trying to play the Bioshock 2 re-master at 3440x1440, I got this working by changing the settings in the DefaultOptions.ini file which can be found in the steamapps\common\BioShock 2 Remastered\Build\Final folder to:

It's getting slammed on Steam with people having mouse problems, crashes, etc. I'm about to check it out on the Xbone to see what it looks like on there.

That's because the internet is full of awful whining man-babies.

They've been given a free thing that is better than before and all they do is complain.
That's because the internet is full of awful whining man-babies.

They've been given a free thing that is better than before and all they do is complain.

In fairness, its surely worth calling out the issues though? Crashing isn't an improvement for example. Ironically as well, moaning about the moaners kind of makes one a moaner too. ;)
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