Bioware's Anthem


I decided to go with a pimp look.
I must say this feels like third person Destiny/Division with booster packs and a more open world. Even the NPC voices when you are in the suit sound like Ghost robot from Destiny. Doesn't seem like the Bioware games of old at all

Mission Hub area is certainly pretty though, nice immersion. There is an ambient market/city hustle & bustle sound playing but all the NPC's are just looking dead staring into the abyss not saying anything at all, gives me a Truman show vibe.
i dont know if this has been posted but has anyone else noticing very high cpu temps while in game?, i've got a 7900x overclocked to 4.6ghz under water and i have temps around the 88-91 degrees mark, i have had to disable hyperthreading as leaving it on and the cpu hits 99 degrees under full load in game, my 2080ti on the other hand is sitting pretty under water at 46 degrees and boosting to 2025mhz on the core.
i have tested a few other games and noticed my cpu will sit around the 70-75 degrees make normaly, thats with hyperthreading on also, gpu in other games is siting around the same at 45-46 degrees
Feeling more like 1st Person Diablo 3 to me, rather than a Destiny clone.

Builds and proper classes seems like they will be a 'thing' and play very differently. You socket +stat bonuses into armour like gems in D3. Damage scaling seems like torment levels in D3 (there was a dev screenshot showing +3200% enemy damage on the highest difficulty level in Anthem).
I can see DMG floaties hitting the 100k+ on harder levels and then maybe on to 1M+ in a similar way to D3 later on in its life span.

Controls seem way to 'mushy' for me - particularly swimming, but flight also. There is no precision in the control with mouse and keyboard, flight in tunnels usually ends in a face smash into a wall. It might be my settings but I really want instant feedback when I move the mouse in flight/swimming, not the follow the circle cursor weirdness there is right now.

However.....I really like the combat and combo systems, and also the 'fashion frame' options for uniqueness in your Javelins. I just hope that with 4 classes things like tanking, dps and support become proper roles again, rather than just variants on how you do your DPS. Just to give more depth to the gameplay. If that delivers I can see myself playing more of this alongside Division2 and leaving Destiny2 behind.
Had about 90 mins of play time this evening. I've had to quit of the game 3 times during missions due to objectives not registering as being able to complete (on different missions so it's not the same bugged objective). Combined with an infinite load screen. Thing don't seem to be getting off to a good of a start.
The crashes at the end of the stronghold are disappointing, played storm and we had completed the stronghold had at least 4 rare drops that I was looking forward to seeing what dropped, and then once the boss was dead the game dropped to the beginning as a loss of server and then had to login, seemed that exp was still gained but no items were seen!
Quite a cool concept will pick it up when it no doubt rock bottoms in price.

Played about half hour or so tonight. Won't say I hated it. The suit overheating and stopping flight is a bit annoying.

From my understanding E3 demos etc we could fly about as we please for as long as we please?

Maybe I'm wrong. Anyway sleepy time
Hmm, even though the frame rate is mostly at 60fps on my set up, it didn't feel like that at all. Playing in 30 on the consoles must be horrendous.

Anyway, I enjoyed what I played but ending up quitting at some puzzle section, which was probably designed for three players to co-ordinate their efforts to try out all the different colour combinations. I couldn't be arsed running backwards and forwards to do it.

Will have to see what the performance is like in the final game with Digital Foundry's run down but I doubt it's a purchase for me anyway. Certainly not at full price.
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