from what i've played of anthem so far so good, the flight mechanics have vastly improved from the alpha, plus the transision from air into water has been much improved, going into the water is much more controllable from the alpha (it was a bloody mess), performance wise with my 7900x, 32gb ram and a 2080ti i'm very impressed (alough i should be with a pc like that) at 1440p high/ultra i'm hitting high 90's exploring around and during heavy fire fights down in the mid 80's which is perfect.
i did try dsr 4k and with the frame rate locked at 60fps the games was stunningly beautiful and the frame rate most of the time was at 60fps, during heavy fire figts i did see 45 fps at one point which made it a bit cluncky but i was able to play and as soon as that part was over back to 60 fps.
will be playing a bit more today but as far as i can see its on my radar to buy at this point