Save for a few bug fixes you were playing the final game.
I have played 18 hours of the demo and I do quite enjoy the game still. However, given that this is the frostbite engine I'm not really sure how they have gone this wrong in the performance department. I dropped my res down to 1080p to see how it performed and in an open world boss fight the FPS actually dropped to around 30... 30 FPS at 1080p on a 1080ti... In general the performance is pretty bad, there is a possibility that it increases a little with drivers and the few weeks or months of extra time in the oven but I doubt it will amount to much.
Combat feels good and the Javelins feel unique.
Graphics are pretty nice looking.
General control feels pretty good, flying is fine once you get used to it.
Javelin customisation is good.
Freeplay feels a bit weird, mostly empty map where you stumble upon stuff.
The open world itself is kind of empty and extremely open.
Performance is terrible.
UI is designed for a console.
Loading screens, Loading screens everywhere.
The dialogue presented in the demo is pretty dire, people just vomit words at you and you just kind of say 'yea' to everything in varying ways.
A few worrying things in the demo, like those caves where you swim... Terrible design (and controls), people just get lost in there and sometimes die.
In general it feels underwhelming as a product.