Bizarre comments from your missus.

Ok so there is a colour difference. Secondly, I am not saying the blood itself is blue i am saying that the properties of this low oxygenated blood affects the absorption properties of the vein through which it is flowing. Hence why the vein itself appears blue. There is a correlation between low oxygenated blood and the blue vein phenomena and this is proved by the fact, as previously mentioned, the extremeties of the body, which are normaly a nice peachy colour, turn blue when the indiviual is hypoxic. The only variable in this case would be the oxygen levels in the blood. There is a correlation. I think the girl should not be laughed at, she was patly correct.

YAWN!!!!!! off topic much? go make your own thread about blue blood and argue there.

I just remembered something else my gf did, which was quite strange, she's stopped now as i made her look a bit silly by doing the same thing in conversation. She'll text me something then realise she's forgotten to say something, instead of sending another text with the little bit she forgot she'll send the whole text again but with the bit she forgot to say. Seriously wtf, i have an inbox with several pretty much duplicate messages and her reason for this was:

"it's in case you didn't get the first one because you did not reply"

note she'll send the duplicate message about 2 mins after the original. She's a strange creature my girl friend but she's blonde so i excuse her daily 10 minutes of stupidness.
oh and zootfloot stop being so selfish clearly your op is not more important than her virgin vie party lol :) You were quite restrained there i think.

Oh it gets better.

This morning i went for my pre admission tests, i rang her to say that everything was ok etc etc, her reply was so did you ask if you can reschedule your operation then?

My reply was the same as before: **** you

In response to the other question about whether she is blonde or not, the answer is no, she is a brunette, however i dont believe that hair colour matters in this case...i think that women are universally stupid.
? hypoxic flesh turns more purple than blue. Same as venal blood is actually more purple than blue. Look really closely at your veins and you'll see they're actually purple. Keep looking and they'll turn green. All you see is that they're another colour from your skin. Your brain automatically attributes this colour as blue because we've always been told that veins are blue. I'd have said that RL veins are somewhere between maroon and purple.

OK now you are being super pedantic, fine it turns "purple not blue" either way this phenomena takes place owing to the lack of oxygen in the blood. I have since found this from a medical journal "hypoxia induces a blue discolouration of the skin, called cyanosis. Since hemoglobin is a darker red when it is not bound to oxygen (deoxyhemoglobin), as opposed to the rich red colour that it has when bound to oxygen (oxyhemoglobin), when seen through the skin it has an increased tendency to reflect blue light back to the eye."

I am not going to argue over the difference between blue and purple, the actual colour is of no interest to me. The theory behind the colour is more what I am getting at. In conclusion, said GF is not dumb and she should be exonerated.
Speaking of teachers, my old flat mate was a teacher, she was preparing a science class for primary school kids and asked me:

"remind me again...does the sun go round the earth, or the earth go round the sun?"


I was doing a pgce and I was one of 3 blokes out of 30 and the only one with a science degree, let alone Geology based.

The Science lessons were shocking some of those girls are going to put children off science for life.
My head of science at High School once told my class that colourblind people see in black and white.

I was gobsmacked and dumbfounded. With my response I ended up with the headteacher.
Oh it gets better.

This morning i went for my pre admission tests, i rang her to say that everything was ok etc etc, her reply was so did you ask if you can reschedule your operation then?

Is the operation to get some balls? :p
Aww my wife bless her cotton socks...

Her: "I distinctfully remember telling you"
Me: "Distinctfully eh? Must have done to make your own word up"
Her: "There is such a word"
Me: "No you mean distinctly, awww come here"

There are loads why can't i think of any more!
Driving home from a day out

Me "did you know ginger people don't have shadows"
Her "Yes they do don't be so stupid"
Me "I'm telling you."
She spends the next 20 minutes looking out of ther car window looking for a ginger haired person.
Her "Aha look! there's one there and she has a shadow Haha take that newb!"
Me "You've just spent the last 20 minutes looking out the window for a ginger haried person....and you're calling me a newb?"
Her "Shut up" /sulks.

One morning a couple of months ago.

Me"Morning :) "
Her /Silence
Me"Morning :) "
Her /Silence
Me "Whats up?"
Her "I've just had a dream that you were cheating on me and I'm annoyed at you!"
Me .....
One morning a couple of months ago.

Me"Morning :) "
Her /Silence
Me"Morning :) "
Her /Silence
Me "Whats up?"
Her "I've just had a dream that you were cheating on me and I'm annoyed at you!"
Me .....

OMG my mate had the exact same the other week. i was in tears listening to the two of them arguing about it.

She firmly believes that your dreams are based on reality and what not LOL
Not so much bizzare, but funny......

We were staying away at a hotel/spa complex (i forget which one) for a weekend.

We ate in the restuarant/bar overlooking the golf course on our first evening at this place. The hotel also adjoined a golf club and next to where we were sitting was a door with a sign above that said "Spikes Bar".... a few moments later and a guy walks out said door back into the hotel.. so my other half turns to me and says "I wonder if that was Spike?"

Still makes me chuckle to this day! :)

P.S if you don't get it..... a spikes bar is where golfers go for a drink after their round and they can leave their golf shoes (spikes) on.
Get rid of the self obsessed bint. What you're experiencing isn't stupidly.

Ah, now i get what your saying.

To be fair she isnt like that all the time and it would be a shame to throw away 3 years worth of marriage and 13 years of relationship and disrupt 2 amazing kids lives just because she had a few moments of selfishness....or would you disagree?
Ah, now i get what your saying.

To be fair she isnt like that all the time and it would be a shame to throw away 3 years worth of marriage and 13 years of relationship and disrupt 2 amazing kids lives just because she had a few moments of selfishness....or would you disagree?

For all we know you may be the most selfish person there is lol.

Im not saying you are, i dont even know you lol.
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