Bizarre comments from your missus.

"It's not that I'm it's the I'm the on the dinnae, I'm it's the just dinnae".

For you Englandshire types, dinnae = "Don't".

And stuff. Any time she opens her gob to be honest, strange things come out. I can't and have never been able to fathom her out. :confused:

Aye? Nae muckle diffune fae the quines fae up tha broch ken?
There have been many weird things in the 8 years we have been together but i must say the best was this.

The scene: A summers evening, around 10pm.... a beautiful warm and still quite bright night, a full moon and stars and us walking home.

"is that the moon?" she says while staring at the trillion ton ball of rock in space that orbits the earth.

"..............." is my reply... i tried to think of something witty as a comeback but all logic failed.

Another good one was after we had watched a tv proggy about space and stars exploding and stuff.

"so the sun could have blown up and we wouldnt know for 8 minutes?" "correct in theory... as nothing can travel faster than light and light takes 8 mins to get here"

She thinks long and hard about this and then comes out with

"but if it blew up wouldnt that make the light go faster like a firework rocket does to normal light" ............ "erm......" ( im still trying to work out what was going on in her head to this day )
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There have been many weird things in the 8 years we have been together but i must say the best was this.

The scene: A summers evening, around 10pm.... a beautiful warm and still quite bright night, a full moon and stars and us walking home.

"is that the moon?" she says while staring at the trillion ton ball of rock in space that orbits the earth.

"..............." is my reply... i tried to think of something witty as a comeback but all logic failed.

Epic Fail! :p
"Do they do vegetarian chicken?"

Cracking question from a few years ago.

Smart girl :D
A few years ago with my ex whilst eating dinner.

Her - 'What is chicken?'

Me - 'Well its pretty much the chickens muscles'

Her - 'What? its muscle?'

Me - 'Yeah what did you think it was?

Her - 'I just thought it was a part of the animal which we ate, like a meat area zone'
Smart girl :D


She was going through the "Veggie stage"

We were in KFC not too long after, I had the urge for popcorn chicken, and she asked if they were veggie friendly.

"Of course they are, the chickens only eat grass" was my reply, she then ate a few and it took her a fair while but she figured it out. She wasn't happy.
"So are you coming out or are you watching football?"

"I know you said you will be gaming but can I still come round?"

"I'll Drive"

"Can I move in?"

"Are You paying?"

"I don't know what you see in that Interweb thingy"

all apart from the first.... also i made mine believe wireless didn't need power.. because over wise it would have a wire !!
Our house was on fire. I asked my wife to ring the fire brigade. She said "Whats the number?"

Seriously thats a true story :)

She was going through the "Veggie stage"

We were in KFC not too long after, I had the urge for popcorn chicken, and she asked if they were veggie friendly.

"Of course they are, the chickens only eat grass" was my reply, she then ate a few and it took her a fair while but she figured it out. She wasn't happy.

Looooool, if your ex missus is that dumb, then she deserved what she got :D

She was going through the "Veggie stage"

We were in KFC not too long after, I had the urge for popcorn chicken, and she asked if they were veggie friendly.

"Of course they are, the chickens only eat grass" was my reply, she then ate a few and it took her a fair while but she figured it out. She wasn't happy.

I take everything back. sorry :)
She must be insanely hot to be that dumb.
I don't have a missus, but if she came out with dumb stuff like this, I'd laugh in her face probably.

Then get dumped.

Having a partner who is schizophrenic also a full on christian can lead to some pretty ****ed up conversions lol. Being asked if I'm god or the devil on a regular basis can get annoying.
"Not tonight, I've got a headache."

"I think that's enough for you." (Use your imagination on this one.)
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