Black Desert Online

I rolled a Ranger as I haven't ever played a hunter style char before.
I've noticed the rate of xp seems to plummet after level 10. I'm at 11 right now.

I must say that the story is not drawing me in at all. It's hard to have any empathy for the world due to the way you get flung all over the map, and the disconnect between the little black thing and npcs doesn't help with immersion. It's very very Korean/Japanese style in the sense that people say random proverbs at you or drop names/anecdotes that make no sense, all without expectation of a reply from your end as if that's how people communicate.

That said the combat is interesting, still trying to get my head around it. It's definitely not cookie cutter, kinda reminds me of conan but more complex.

You get ZERO experience from quests after about level 10. Its all about mobs.

I have no idea about the story apart from the world got destroyed or something or other and im level 42.
this game is pretty awsome so far, rolled a wizard an been killing imps i seem to be level 11 already thats kinda fast, anyway, absolutly loving it so far!!!! altho the wordings/quest are a bit off ???

Family name is

I decided to forget about crafting, fishing, sailing etc etc because it was hurting my brain trying to get my head around it all.

Now I just enjoy trying out the different classes, learning the combat for them and grinding mobs in different ways. I invest in nodes around the area's I'm grinding to help with loot drops. The game is much more fun doing this and the academic side can wait.

Yea, Trish showed me how she was organising the cluster **** that is this game. In short, accept all quests, look at map, pick the one that looks fun and head to it.

I've given up on worrying about mats/crafting/building/trading until I get to Calpheon as that's why I spend a lot of contribution points to get nodes and houses and stuff to start building my fishing boat. Which I want done by the end of Sunday. Obviously, any guildies from here that fancy AFK'ing over night are more than welcome to AFK fish on the boat with us :D
Findlefox changed to Tankard
on alustin server nearly lvl 17... loving my sorc and really enjoying the game gonna be up late tonight i think..

whos doing guild invites? tony mentioned one was being created today or something... got a few mates coming from my old wow guild if your cool with it :D

family name - Ingenium
char name - Ingy

old wow names dont ask :D
For some reason since last night I can only see 3 servers to choose from :(
Uno, Orwen and Edan.
No sign of Alustin where I started my char.
bed for a few hours time flies....

u get a lot of benefits from being in guild.. also guild quests are a lot of EXP and money!

scroll sharing etc..
Anyone wanna give me the lowdown on this mmorpg? ive played pretty much everything mmorpg wise since EQ1 but i kinda stopped after Elder Scrolls online, ive seen some screenshots of this game, they look good, but whats the actual content like? it seems its pretty old school in regards to zero handholding, which sounds good, but whats the endgame content like? PVE orientated or is it PVP orientated? from what ive been reading it seems the game is basically a grinder after lvl10, i dont mind this is its really group orienated, i hate soloing pretty much, kinda like EQ1 was back in the day, are there any dungeons and raids? im not overly fussed too much about pve raids truth be told, but i do like a good dungeon to trawl through and farm for gear etc, find it makes a nice break from just endlessly farming mobs for xp.

Im waiting on Camelot Unchained for PVP, as its the spiritual successor to DAOC, nothing else has ever come close to the RVR that DAOC had, so im hoping that CU captures that, and im waiting on Pantheon for PVE, but in the interim i want a decent PVE orientated mmorpg to play.

Any AA system or talent system? whats the crafting like? is it viable for gearing? anyone who was an old school EQ1 lover played this? would be interested to hear honest thoughts.

I have purposely kept away from most of these types of MMO's, like Lineage, Archeage, Aion etc etc, they look graphically great but often lack any real substance.

So if theres anyone thats played a lot of MMO's playing this, especially if you was a real EQ1 fan, id love to hear your thoughts and comparisons on this.

Im tempted to buy it just to check it out to be honest, but i did that with guildwars 2 and hated it, didnt care for FF14 much either.

Think the last MMO i played full on was WoW but even that got extremely boring each expansion once you hit the cap.

Guess what im looking for is something with a lot of decent community to sink hours into, with decent pve rewards for group content, is there such a thing?
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