Black Desert Online

Yeah, im still playing & enjoying it, too.
Hit lv59 on my Witch on Friday, would like to get it to Lv60 but i dont tend to do much combat so i tend to do it in chunks to get it out of the way. It also gives me a chance to take that alt to bosses and not give a hoot about the XP loss (i'd still potentially lose crystals though).

I never took my Valk beyond lv49, its my main lifeskill character. I just never got into it, sadly. Plus, because trying it at awakened means giving up that protection outside of towns, i cant see me taking it any further either, and im not horse training up & down Heidel or fishing in exhausted waters, just because theres a few douchebags. Its not like its rampant with idiots, but having experienced it a couple of times, ive no interest in losing hours of activity because of a handful of window-lickers.

I joined a different guild early August and its been much better, more relaxed and more active. We did Aakman (200ap+) & Hystria (225ap+) caves on Friday night, 4 of us, with a combined 800-810ap, we wanted to try Aakman but the portal randomly takes you to one or the other. First one took us to Hystria, only small groups of 2-3 for the most part, and we could take em enough though they hit hard, but it was so slow we couldnt really progress without earlier mobs respawning. Attempts 2 & 3 i went in on my own, both Hystria, removed gear and let them kill me to respawn outside at a node (another perk of xx.00%) and finally on 4th attempt we found one for Aakman. That was tough, but at a point where it was still pleasant to do, decent mob density and underground rooms meant people didnt split up. That being said, without T4 pets, i didnt get much loot and because its slower kills, its few & far between. XP gains werent great either, and with the hassle of roaming around in the desert on foot trying to find random portals, its yet another element of the game which really doesnt help itself. So not sure if we'd go back tbh.

For those who arent following too closely, Kamasylvia (pt1) is added after Wednesdays update. Im not expecting a huge amount of change, but it'll be nice to have a nosy around. It should give a little extra energy from knowledge, and the new crystals i cant afford to use/lose, T9 horses i cant even try for, and the grinding areas i wont be geared high enough for and still wont push people to leave Sausans because its simply superior for loot, xp and skill pts (mob density), and few places match it for 2 aspects, let alone the 3 main ones.
Kama Pt2 is expected about 4-6wks following, along with the Mystik (female Striker) by the end of the year.
Oddly Kama pt2 probably has better areas for most people, but then the only town (Grana) the properties cost 5-15CP! so pretty wasteful unless theres something unique you can craft there, but even then storage & worker lodging is going to cost a fortune if you need it.
don't suppose someone could tell me the size of the client, ideally from someone who is still currently playing. Thanks
Yeah, mine is also 29gb.
It used to be closer to 50 but they compressed it all down a fair bit despite adding a fairly large new region around the same time.
The other week was my 1yr anniversary (13th) :eek:
If anyone is interested you can get a free Classic outfit for any character providing you have completed any Awakening or Ascension quest. Event runs from 24th Dec to Jan 8th.

You need to speak to an NPC in Heidel called Leuheffe
If anyone is interested you can get a free Classic outfit for any character providing you have completed any Awakening or Ascension quest. Event runs from 24th Dec to Jan 8th.

You need to speak to an NPC in Heidel called Leuheffe

Any more specifics on his location as i have looked around and can't see him and the NPC finder doesn't register his name anywhere on the map
I've owned this game for a while, but I've yet to actually play it. How does it compare to ESO? What's the combat like? I'm not overly fond of ability bars, spell rotations etc. Can you play this like an action RPG?
I've owned this game for a while, but I've yet to actually play it. How does it compare to ESO? What's the combat like? I'm not overly fond of ability bars, spell rotations etc. Can you play this like an action RPG?

It plays better without a hotbar IMO! Plus I think it had the best combat of any mmo going! I would look for some videos on it or just try it as it's totally different to other mmos
Any more specifics on his location as i have looked around and can't see him and the NPC finder doesn't register his name anywhere on the map

This is the link to the event page on the official site > CLICK <

I think it starts with your Black Spirit giving you the Quest line. Which you accept and complete then the NPC will show up in Velia

You don't need to complete them all, just the one I've posted below. The reward box should go straight into your PEARL inventory tab.

[Event] Raise Your Worth Dec. 24 (00:00 UTC)–Jan. 8, 2020 (23:59 UTC) NPC Leuheffe *Complete the Awakening Quests [Event] Classic Outfit Box x1

Hope that helps !!
This is the link to the event page on the official site > CLICK <

I think it starts with your Black Spirit giving you the Quest line. Which you accept and complete then the NPC will show up in Velia

You don't need to complete them all, just the one I've posted below. The reward box should go straight into your PEARL inventory tab.

[Event] Raise Your Worth Dec. 24 (00:00 UTC)–Jan. 8, 2020 (23:59 UTC) NPC Leuheffe *Complete the Awakening Quests [Event] Classic Outfit Box x1

Hope that helps !!

Cheers! got MEGA lucky last night and pulled a tet zarka on 50ish failstacks o.o

Glad it didn't fail as would have died going back to duo :D
Does anyone play this still?

I bought it ages ago and played for an hour before giving up, I've just gone back in and liking it this time round, though half of it is confusing as hell!
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