Black Ops 3 Beta Code

Add you youdsy, snips whats your steam name?

Buffet I will sort out a channel for the game now, I'll be on!
Please remember the beta went "open" on ps4 after a few days, so i would expect the same on pc/xb1

Either way played half a round before deleting the ps4 one, terrible first impression imo
Same with the code request - If there is a spare. Much appreciated.

Also interested in general in how it plays from you guys? First cod since MW2 on PS3. They were the good old days (MW and MW2)
Well - started on this and was like WTF is the deal with this stupid mouse accel?? (I had actually already turned it off in options).

Felt rubbish at first, but I lowered my FOV and carried on and I am getting used to it. Still don't like it, but meh, it is what it is.

But wow - dat hit reg! Utter **** lol :p

Not a bad game, but the hackers will ruin it inside of a month. Been managing to get in some good performances but I was just getting bored. I suppose only having 3 maps isn't helping! The 4th, called Stronghold won't be unlocked for another day or so yet.
Thank jebus for this beta it just saved me 40 quid. Total disaster of a game from the menus to the crappy hit reg.
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