Whilst proving "purposely" would be virtually impossible, I'll give you some high profile news/review sites which did omit Blade, and these aren't some unheard of 100 subscriber website I'm talking about, it's multi-million dollar ones -
https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/movies/black-panther-1.16552223 -
TBF this has been edited to include Blade at the bottom despite not changing the headline or referencing Blade in the body of the article despite that
So there's some facts, huge websites like Entertainment Tonight and Wired, which are written by critics who "
assumedly know a great deal more about cinema then the general populous.", are still getting it wrong whether accidentally or on purpose (I have no idea which).
I never once said it was "
only really being nominated because it's being touted as a 'Marvel first'" - I said I didn't think it worth a Nomination but the hype surrounding it was strong, but again all of that is only an opinion, not a fact. I also said that it
SHOULD be nominated for Best Costume showing that I believed that it is worthy of a nomination in that category, which is again just an opinion.
However at this point I feel like this back and forth between the two of use is pretty much cluttering the thread so, this'll be my last reply so we can let this thread get back on track but thanks for the stimulating discussion and I look forward to reading your reply.
PS, Hopefully you understood that my initial review of BP was facetious rather than genuine