Watched the whole thing over a couple of evenings, it's decent, well worth a watch. They clearly listened to a lot of complaints about the Walking Dead in recent seasons and decided to have their own go at it.
The "zombies" are actually a credible threat and they focus more on small horror situations than the mundane overarching situations that many Walking Dead episodes fail from.
It still hasn't fully fallen into the 'humans are the real bad guys' theme like the Walking Dead either, nor the 'meek housewife turns into the ultimate badass who's a way better shot and much braver than anyone else for inexplicable reasons' trope either, but there are signs of both already.
A character that gets a lot of screen time who doesn't speak English nor is translated gives it a bit of a trite element as well, it smacks of the writers or director trying too hard to be 'cool'.
It's also very light on any preachy elements for a Netflix show which is refreshing, though there is still a good representation of diversity and it feels relatively believable.
As long as they keep the zombies the main threat and allow characters to actually be vulnerable, this could be better than the Walking Dead.