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Blackwell gpus

It wasn't long ago that a study showed that almost half of British adults had £1,000 or less in savings, with 25% having less than £200, meaning they would struggle to cover living expenses for more than a month.

Fear of missing out and easy access to thousands of pounds on buy now pay later is a helluva drug.
And it's designed like that on purpose. However, just to stop here for a moment - £200 and living expenses for a month? I... what? That would maybe last me a week in London, if I don't travel anywhere and go on a heavy diet. :) 1k wouldn't even be enough for a month, if I add bills to this (and I gladly do not rent anymore). Most 1 bedroom flats here are easy over £1k a month just for the rent. Often over £1.5k if not totally in the sticks. Having such little "savings" because one just can't stop spending monies on luxury products is... really bad.
I wouldn't disagree there are a lot of idiots out there.
I wouldn't say it that way. The problem is that we are all idiots in the face of big industry hiring all the best psychologists etc. who then design traps that are extracting our monies to feed the corporation. No matter how smart we consider ourselves, sooner or later everyone falls for one of their tricks - that's just the way humans are. Be it a genuine scam or just greedy corpo, they know exactly what buttons and how to press. My advice is to be aware none of us are immune against such things and even high resilience will be broken in time - at least being aware can let us prepare for such time, unlike living in denial.
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