^ Blade & Soul ^ F2P MMo

Just gave this game a quick try, also on Starfall, is there any OcUK guild going?
Though dunno if I can get passed the GS spam, its way over the top!

Character: Nemeses (same as here)
I had to open another support request over the weekend as I can't access the marketplace.
It seems there are lots of people posting on the forums with the same problem, most people probably don't even realize the option is missing ingame :(

If I go to a dragon trader there is not even an option for marketplace :(

Support seem to be telling people generic things, first with "run windows update" then when I told them I am running windows 10 with all updates they respond with run the launcher and click repair :(

I found one post on their forums where one of their support people say they had the error reported in beta but as they couldn't reproduce the problem their end they didn't fix it. :eek: :rolleyes:
the combat is what makes this game; though 2 of my videos were flagged for copy right by PlayNC - NCsoft's youtube account. its the game videos I'm getting hit with not gameplay ugh.......
the combat is very good for an mmo, sadly it's the only standout point for me, the rest of the game is as dull as dishwater. Black Desert had me captivated for months up till this Christmas in the Russian Beta, I only stopped playing as I didn't want to completely ruin the enjoyment with the western release along soon. It's more my type of mmo with so much to do in the world. BnS is just empty of everything.
I thought I'd leave it a while before I started, due to the typical MMO queues at launch.

... anddddd nope, still queuing!
Not really feeling this so far, only level 16 but the whole thing feels a bit "meh". Guess a guild/some kind of community would help but so far there is none. Other than gold spammers and endless LFG.
Enjoying the game so far, but OMG the gold spammers :( I blocked and blocked and blocked and got a message I had blocked 50 players and wasn't allowed to block anymore!?! What am I doing wrong?
My advice would be to join a guild as soon as possible, that way you can pretty much leave all the other global channels when out in the world and just have the chat box show guild/party etc.
This will remove all of the gold spammers for you :)

I'm enjoying this game, the combat is brilliant and although I suck at PvP at the moment it does look like it has quite a high skillcap so looking forward to that (only level 22 at the moment)
I'm finding this game ok

The combat is probably the best thing about it but the only problem is the effect latency has on it.
As combat is all about timing to block/counter, as soon as there is lag timing gets messed up & the block registers too late then u take damage, sometimes enough to die on 1 miss-timed block.
Maybe the eu servers are just terrible as it seems to happen a lot :(
I still play, just started my Warlock which is an awesome class plus you get Thrall !!! i mean, who doesn't like a 20ft death dealing pet :D

A lot of people have gone to Black Desert for sure, population has lessened but it will still be the PvP choice for many.
I'm still playing :)
do my dailies everyday to upgrade my weapon.
loving the mechanics in the new dungeon but seems most of the playerbase can't get to grips with it,trying to do it with the dungeon finder is a nighmare.
Yea i'm still playing this, no other MMO on the market at the moment that interests me and so far this has the best comabt/PvP of any MMO I've played for sure.
Grinding them dailies still to get my Pirate weapon!

The new dungeon is really fun too, been running it with guildies as I can't imagine the difficulty you'd have running it with randoms hah.
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