Blair to receive acolade

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Originally posted by Clerkin
So with holding information on the bombing of Pearl Harbour was okay? thouhg it was needed to get the yanks involved :rolleyes: I don't consider it honourable conduct tbh.
Originally posted by Clerkin
are u anti-britain or pro nazi?

Uhhhm why would he be pro-nazi? History is written by the victorious when war is involved.

Like it or not, Churchill did some absolutely deplorable things. Going back to your "WE WERE AT WAR" comment as well, does that mean that the holocaust was justified? Germany was at war too....

Your logic is flawed and skewed.

[edit] I did try to delete this post and add it as an edit to the one above :) If a don would be so kind as to do the honours if it is needed (it wouldn't let me delete this post)[/edit]
Originally posted by Clerkin
I aint trying to be rude, some of yor comments to me seem anti British.

Please explain how you are a Patriot.

If you think that patriotism involves saying "yes" to everything and not being critical, then you deserve a HUGE :rolleyes:

You probably wouldn't protest if the military decided to take over or if the BNP came into power and tried to create the 4th Reich, would you? One hell of a patriot :rolleyes:
Originally posted by elbows
Churchill was one of those people who was awful but happened to be the right man for the job at a certain point in history. I can hardly be in awe of Churchill considering he made some comment about "I can see no problem with gassing uncivilised tribes" (In relation to Afghanistan or Iraq I forget which, funny how history repeats eh). On the other hand its quite plausible that without Churchill around during the outbreak of WW2, we might have gone down the total appeaser route and given up. Enough powerful people favoured that option, obviously Churchill wasnt the only one who didnt but he had the right git of a personality to deal with such a bad situation.

Anyway, Blair has busted a gut fighting his impossible position, wow the number of times he must have squirmed at American diplomatic stupidity, I bet Rumsfelds name is muck round these parts. If the medal is for perseverence in diplomacy and spin and selling a war in the constant face of unprecedented oposition, he deserves it.

Its always been my belief that the harder option for Blair and Britain to take would have been oposing or at least not aiding US war plans, there are many reasons for this.

Funnily enough I think that its true that Blair has tried to act in the nations interests, and that this is true whether you are pro or anti war. If you are pro war you believe the stated morally justified reasaons for the war, and if you are cynical like me you suspect that we didnt really have too much choice, all things considered, and seeing the oh so subtle Bush administration style I dont think they are above threats.

Blair getting the award will also give those who accuse him of being a poodle more ammunition ;)

Well whether you love or hate Blair or just dont care, the signs are he's in for a contiued rough ride. Will the post-war squabbles over who runs Iraq etc cause the bags under his eyes to reach the same state as they did during the death of the UN diplomatic route for 2nd resolution? Stay tuned.

Sanity amungst argumentative children!

Nice post! :)
Originally posted by Hellsmk2

Like it or not, Churchill did some absolutely deplorable things. Going back to your "WE WERE AT WAR" comment as well, does that mean that the holocaust was justified? Germany was at war too....

They thought they were justified in doing it .... we thought we were justified in doing what we did....

We won... so we were justified in doing it and they were not!

Agree with most people on the 1st page about blair ... don't like him... but he's done well over this war business
Originally posted by KaTyM609
They thought they were justified in doing it .... we thought we were justified in doing what we did....

We won... so we were justified in doing it and they were not!

So in war, as long as you are the final victor, anything goes? Is that what you're saying?
Much as I hate Blair and think this war is a complete waste of money form Britains point of view, you've got to admire how Blair has stuck to his guns on this issue.

Apparantly the majority in this country back a war so the guy is just doing his job. Not sure he deserves a medal for it though...

Also dirtydog can feel free to cal himself a patriot as he's more concerned with this countries problems. Something Blair clearly isn't :/
Originally posted by dirtydog
So in war, as long as you are the final victor, anything goes? Is that what you're saying?

Pretty much... as long as you aren't breaking any agreements like if you'd agreed to abide by the the geneva convention etc.
Originally posted by silverpaw
So with holding information on the bombing of Pearl Harbour was okay? thouhg it was needed to get the yanks involved :rolleyes: I don't consider it honourable conduct tbh.

The Dresden incident was retailation, lets not who started the second world war, the germans. Same with Pearl Harbour, thee japanese attacked America, America retailaited.

Simple as...

Churchill didnt start WW2 - he ended it.
Originally posted by Clerkin
Simple as...

Churchill didnt start WW2 - he ended it.

I think you'll find that it wasn't just Churchill. The Americans deciding to join was a slight help ;)

As for Blair, I agree with Lostie. I think he's one of the most courageous politicians ever. He's put his job and his reputation on the line, and has been (and still is) prepared to stand up for his principles.
The UK is not helping America with this war, the UK is fighting Iraq. This award wont go down very well with many Americans, i feel this award would undermine our role in all this.
Looks like we'll all be having flawed logic for tea :D

But back OT, I do think Blair deserves it :)
Originally posted by iam
Looks like we'll all be having flawed logic for tea :D

But back OT, I do think Blair deserves it :)

Why what has he done? He's the Prime Minister doing his job no more then that, this award is for his help in all this, kinda makes him more of a puppet to the U.S.

Where are the weapons of mass destruction? this war is not about oil?, yet the states are alrdy setting up the puppet government which without a doubt the oil deals are being agreed.

When did Iraq threaten the UK or USA? many other country's have leaders killing there own people so why is Iraq top of the list.

I'm not anti war but i know full well the true motivation for this war, just look at what bush's family are into and that should sum it all up.
Originally posted by cousin_itt
they should take all the iraqi childrens' severed limbs, put a piece of string through them and put that round blairs neck.

Thats not right, many lives will be lost right now, but im sure many more lives are gonna be saved when saddam is out, thanks to Blair?
and how do we know that?

puppet = resentment = violence

economic sanctions have crippled the country.
the current seiges are inhumane.
the thousand upon thousand wounded civilians are experiencing pain akin to torture.

many will die because of insufficient medical facilities.

hundreds more will die from unexploded cluster bombs, after hussain is ousted.
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