Blairw Summer Weight Loss / Fitness Journal

Friday Training

In at the local gym today - no crossfit session.
Back Squat, 10 reps | 20 kg
Back Squat, 10 reps | 40 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 50 kg
Back Squat, 3 reps | 70 kg
Back Squat, 3 reps | 80 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 100 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 100 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 100 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 100 kg
Back Squat, 5 reps | 100 kg

Bench Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Bench Press, 8 reps | 40 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 45 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 65 kg

Strict Pull-up | 2 reps

Friday Diet

Out for dinner tonight - Grilled Sirloin with Veg to the rescue!

2,092 Kcal - Over 200g protein! :o
Saturday & Sunday Training
Edinburgh Marathon Festival this weekend - I was meant to be running the 10k but my legs still aren't great post marathon so I let a friend run it in my place.

My Fiancee was then running the Full Marathon on the Sunday (4:58) so I spent most of the day walking around Edinburgh etc.

Saturday & Sunday Diet

In a word - shocking, both days over 3000 - Sunday likely approaching 4k! Not to worry though, back under control now and I wasn't gonna miss out on the celebrations post marathon yesterday. Only thing is I had to use some Quick Add Kcals so my Macros on this weeks report will be all out!
Weekly Update

20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9

Actually going to reweigh tomorrow morning as conditions for this weigh in weren't great - I basically stuffed myself all day yesterday and had a few drinks!

Mixed week - Training was pretty good this week - not in the box as much as I would like, but I did get in the local gym for some strength work which I am keen to keep doing. I really need to get my bench / shoulder press up to become more level with my squat and dead.

Also got myself a new regular game of football - and hoping I have secured myself another tonight. That will take me back to 3 games of 5 a side each week which is great from a cardio point of view.


Average for Week
Kcal - 2505
Protein - 156(36%)
Carbs - 201(46%)
Fat - 75(17%)

OK... Firstly, the above is a worse case scenario in my eyes as I always over estimate when I need to Quick Add to be safe! This weekend was pretty much unavoidable really - but I guess I could have showed a bit more restraint! On the whole I am happy to keep going to way I am, I will repair some damage this week where I can (going down south with work will hinder that slightly) and keep going and see another loss next week!
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Monday Training

Decent Day's Training

Strict Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Strict Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Strict Press, 8 reps | 30 kg
Strict Press, 5 reps | 40 kg
Strict Press, 5 reps | 45 kg
Strict Press, 5 reps | 50 kg
Strict Press, 5 reps | 47.5 kg
Strict Press, 5 reps | 47.5 kg

Push Press, 5 reps | 40 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 40 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 55 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 60 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 65 kg
Push Press, 5 reps | 65 kg

1 Strict Pull-up

Monday Diet

Very Low today - 1700... this is kinda in anticipation of the next few days!

Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday Diet & Training

No Training... and terrible diet. I am travelling with work, which includes eating out, drinking with colleagues, and eating terribly due to boredom / travelling.

No excuses really, and I have attempted to log as best I can which shows shocking results. Perhaps more worryingly, I have ate for weeks at times like I have the last couple of days - no wonder I started near enough 230 lbs!

Tues - 4377
Wed - 3275
Thurs - hopefully not AS bad.

Need to knuckle down and be conscious the rest of this week and then recover the weightloss next week - id be happy to weigh in on Monday without any movement!
Thanks for the tip - I'll swap them around next time I am doing some shoulder work.

My thinking was I didn't want to go into the strict (the harder movement) after being pre exhausted with the push press
Thanks for the input guys!
I do want to be a better (1 more time) marathon runner but that is a few years off yet as I have no desire to run longer distances at the moment.

What I am actually aiming for is the following
- Low body fat (sub 15%)
- Increased athletic performance (Football, Crossfit, Squash & Tennis and maybe some time down the line Oly Competition lifting)
- Look better and feel better

I am going to be introducing more running in the coming months as I do have a HM coming up in 5 months, but again - I am looking to go sub 2 hours, nothing special. D.P - thanks again and I agree entirely, I did not have the base milage prior to marathon training which led to me not being able to cope with the plan milage.

Thanks for the input MrThingyx - your opinion on all things weightlifting is always welcomed - hope to see you about on this log more in the future! (thought not this week as it has been an absolute SHOCKER!)
Friday Training

Looking to do some 1 rep clean and jerk stuff today

Clean, 10 reps | 30 kg
Clean, 10 reps | 30 kg
Clean, 5 reps | 40 kg
Clean, 5 reps | 50 kg
Clean, 3 reps | 60 kg

Jerk, 10 reps | 30 kg
Jerk, 5 reps | 40 kg
Jerk, 5 reps | 50 kg

Clean & Jerk, 1 rep | 70 kg
Clean & Jerk, 1 rep | 80 kg
Clean & Jerk, 1 rep | 85 kg

Then on to a CF benchmark workout - haters look away now!!

Grace : 5 mins 23 secs | Rx'd -42 secs | Rx'd
30 Clean & Jerks, 60 KG

Last time I done 'Grace' I done it with 50KG instead of the 'RX' 60KG and was 42 seconds slower! Big improvement, would have been a lot better if I wasn't knackered by my previous work

Had some time to kill so got some bench work in also - progressing well, want to get to some respectable lifts on bench by end of summer!

Bench Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Bench Press, 10 reps | 30 kg
Bench Press, 8 reps | 40 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 50 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 60 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 67.5 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 67.5 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 67.5 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 67.5 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 67.5 kg

Friday Diet

This week has been a disaster but at least I have been true with my log... head down next week!

2694 Kcal!
Saturday & Sunday

Pretty much a booze up on Saturday resulting in a serious kcal overspend! No booze on the Sunday but still a fair bit of food!

Weekly Update

Weekly Update

20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2 Weight Gain!

Well... No surprises really, I just had the worst week so far - very mixed / little training combined with horrible horrible diet choices all week long!

No travelling / events this week so hoping to get right back on it and reserve the damage.


Average for Week
Kcal - 3212
Protein - 115(24%)
Carbs - 273(58%)
Fat - 86(18%)

The Macro's don't really tell the truth really as I had to do some (excessive estimations) quick add meals on MFP this week.
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Monday Training

Crossfit & Five A Side on Monday

4 RFT: 16 mins 28 secs | Rx'd
4 rounds of:
Handstand Hold, 20 secs
6 Close Grip Push Ups
8 Power Cleans, 60 kg
10 Dumbbell Push Press, 20 kg
12 Kettlebell Swing (Russian), 24 kg
14 AbMat Sit-ups

Five a side's was an hour later and lasted 70 minutes - pretty hard going game so was feeling tired by the end of it!

Monday Diet

Back on track!
1958 Kcals!
Tuesday Training
Just 18 Holes around the golf course today!

Tuesday Diet
1962 Kcals - gonna try a whole 7 days under 2k and see what it brings!
Thanks Bud - working on my bench press and bodyweight stuff at the moment. I am hoping to bring my weight down to under 90 over summer and keep as most of my strength as possible!

Wednesday Training
In the box today - was roasting so I decided against any metcon stuff as I had some stuff to do afterwards and didn't want to turn into a puddle!

Every 2 mins for 12 mins:
1 Squat Clean, 65 kg
3 Split Jerks, 65 kg

Found this surprisingly easy! Was prescribed at 70% of 1RM (I had went up to 85 on my C+J last week) but after warming up I upped it slightly. I could have went up heavier comfortably.

Bench Press, 10 reps | 20 kg
Bench Press, 10 reps | 30 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 40 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 50 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 60 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 70 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 70 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 70 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 70 kg
Bench Press, 5 reps | 70 kg

Next step in my work towards a semi decent bench press! Up another 2.5KG this week and will be up another 2.5 next week hopefully.

I then took part in a little bit of fooling around with different press up variations with some of the guys at the box using a set of nike push up handles

5x regular
5x close up
5x Staggered Left
5x Staggered Right
5x Pseudo Planche
5x Diamond
5x 3 Second Holds

Wednesday Diet
Spot on again - 1958!
Thanks! I am seeing some huge improvements at the moment - really happy to be keeping to a settled routine again! The main area I am seeing it is when I play five a sides, I am stronger and faster than ever, and I have much more staying power than I used too. Makes me excited for the future (as long as I keep on track)
Thursday Training
No training today - went for a 5KM walk with Sarah though

Thursday Diet
2,204Kcal - Couldn't resist a mars ice cream and strawberries after dinner!
Friday Training

Front Squat, 5 reps | 40 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 50 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 60 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 70 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 80 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 90 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 90 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 90 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 90 kg
Front Squat, 5 reps | 90 kg

Felt very heavy - heaviest I have repped for front squats before, was toying with going up to 100 but I don't think id have completed all sets - legs are fried at the moment.

Split Jerk, 10 reps | 20 kg
Split Jerk, 5 reps | 30 kg
Split Jerk, 5 reps | 40 kg
Split Jerk, 3 reps | 50 kg
Split Jerk, 3 reps | 60 kg
Split Jerk, 1 rep | 70 kg
Split Jerk, 1 rep | 80 kg
Split Jerk, 1 rep | 90 kg

Just some Jerk work since i had some spare time!

Friday Diet

Since I knew I had a BBQ today, I left it a bit short - 1759

Saturday Diet

Another weekend, another BBQ - no drinking this time though - 2398

Off for a nandos, cinema, then football tomorrow with a cycle home!
Believe me, I know - feeling it today! I did take quite a while to get to my working weight but it had been so long since I had front squatted so didn't want to jump in too high
Sunday Diet
Steady as she goes - 2239

Sunday Training
3KM Cycle to Football - 60 Minutes of five a side - 9KM Cycle home

Weekly Update

20/04/2015 - 229.4
27/04/2015 - 227.4
05/05/2015 - 225.1
11/05/2015 - 223.6
18/05/2015 - No Weigh In
25/05/2015 - No Weigh In
01/06/2015 - 219.9
08/06/2015 - 221.2
15/06/2015 - 216.6 (4.6lbs Loss!)

Well... That is a lot to lose in a week. I kept my Kcals stead around the 2k Mark for the week to see if I could turn the previous week around!

I am going to try and stick to the same this week and see where I am next Monday, obviously if I lose another 4lbs (very much doubt it) I will need to reintroduce some more Kcals as I don't want to be losing muscle!

I think I was really watered up (if that even is a phrase!) from what was essentially a cheat week where I put on 1.3lbs


Average for Week
Kcal - 2068
Protein - 143 (35%)
Carbs - 198 (49%)
Fat - 67 (16%)

I would still like to increase my protein and fat ratios and cut down a little on carbs - a musclefood delivery is required!
Thanks for the input D.P - too be honest, I will be going by pictures and strength to tell if I am going the right way!

Monday Training

Establish a 3 Rep Max on Overhead Squat (15 Mins post warm up)
Overhead Squat, 10 reps | 20 kg
Overhead Squat, 5 reps | 40 kg
Overhead Squat, 3 reps | 50 kg
Overhead Squat, 3 reps | 60 kg
Overhead Squat, 3 reps | 65 kg
Overhead Squat, 3 reps | 70 kg
Overhead Squat, 3 reps | 75 kg

My previous 1 Rep Max was 70KG... so this is good!

The into a wee meant to be Toes 2 Bar but I struggle with them so Knees to chest for me

3-6-9-12-15 reps of:
Knees To Elbow
Kettlebell Goblet Squat, 24 kg

Finished in 4:54

Then after some food it was 60 minutes of five a side - looked like I had been playing in a sauna by the end of it!

Monday Diet

1926 Kcals - good days eating
I am going to try hold steady and see where the weight is come next Monday then decide what to do KCal wise!

I am happy with my strength - it is increasing despite my weight decreasing... this may be the last time I get 'Noob Gains' though haha!

Long term I just want to drop to a low bodyfat level - I rekon that'll require me to go down as low as 170 - 175 but hopefully not!
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