So I guess the question for those with more knowledge on the sort of infostructure needed for a system like this.
It's not officially law yet and still has to be signed in (at least that's what I read), once it is, I assume we would know, how long to put a system like this together? or can it just be cobbled together in weeks from cloud providers?
Facebook, Skype etc are not ISPs, so no.
but it says Communications operators must remove their side of encryption and help state agencies access data or devices.
I don't agree with it, but realistically what difference does it make to the average person.
Sure someone somewhere may now be able to view my porn habits or see that I spend an unhealthy amount of time on OcUK's forums, but what difference does it make?
Yeah, "Communications Operators" is a bit vague, but we can only assume it means OTT ("over the top") services such as Signal, Skype, WhatsApp etc. With Skype it's likely easy - Skype is now client/server (used to use a hybrid client/server/P2P model where the actual voice streams were between clients only) and doesn't use end-to-end encryption (as far as I know, the data is plain but sent along an encrypted channel between client and server), so tapping the server for voice streams and metadata is likely quite possible.
WhatsApp and Signal use end-to-end encryption, so even the servers can't decrypt the messages or voice streams.
Gonna end up a massive own goal as far as the "ostensible" reason goes - as I said those involved in criminal or terrorist activities, actually organised and hiding behind encryption will simply change to another method, those that are more sloppy and can be caught would be caught anyhow by other methods meanwhile you've just made everyone more vulnerable to criminal exploitation - slow handclap.
The reality is this is about power and not protecting people.
Sure it will. Just like the suspects being known to intelligence before the French attacks in November stopped that.
Huge amounts of private info, in the hands a goverment that leaves confindetial stuff on trains/benches etc, what could possible go wrong.
I think it's a good thing if it will lead to more prosecutions and foil potential attacks/threats.
There's absolutely no reason to believe that it will do so.