Blood Scandal

1 Nov 2011
I was 14 months old when my Haematologist sent me to see Charles Rizza at the Oxford Haemophilia Centre (a key player in the unethical experimentation on infants). I have a letter offering me up as a "PUP" ("Previously Uninfected Patient" or "virgin Haemophiliac"). Within weeks of that visit, I was put on huge doses of commercial Factor 8 on a prophylactic regime (up to 3,000 units or 6x 20ml syringes), at varying frequency - often every other day.

I would have been infected with Hep-C on the very first dose, then perpetually re-infected with every syringe until the Factor was eventually heat-treated, some time after 1987.

I lived through the AIDS epidemic, narrowly missing a batch that was meant for me, but given to a lad I grew up with who had more urgent need. He didn't make it to his 13th birthday.

My life was hell. Ostracised and isolated at the boarding school I won a Naval scholarship too (the alternative choice was the infamous Treloars), I was forced to eat meals separately, with my plate & cutlery marked with red electrical tape, so they could be washed, in bleach each time.
My school uniform, clothing & bedding was also washed separately from the other pupils', on a boil setting with bleach. Within the first week of each term, my new uniform would be completely ruined, singling me out from my peers.

The bullying was relentless. Parents of other boys at my school demanded the "AIDS Child" be expelled or their child kept out of my classes and dormitory.

After two years of this, I "failed" the scholarship exam (despite answering each question correctly) and my parents couldn't afford the full £18k fees, so they put me in a mainstream state school.

When I was 12 (in 1993), we were called in by the Haematologist to discuss "some results". I was told my most recent HIV test was clear (I'd been tested every 6 months since 1983), but that I'd also tested positive for Hepatitis C.
It was referred to as a "very mild disease" and that the worst I would experience were some "flu-like symptoms". We were given a Haemophilia Society pamphlet and sent on our way.

I had no idea what the news meant, but we were advised not to discuss the results with anyone else, so as not to cause a panic.

When I was 13, I had to inject myself at school for a bleed in my knee. A few of my classmates saw the packaging for my Factor 8, with Hazard labels all over it and the bright yellow sharps bin for safely disposing my butterfly needles, which had my name printed in huge letters and taped to it, along with "DANGER - HEPATITIS & AIDS INFECTION RISK!"

The school doctor started getting letters from other parents, worried about the risk to their children. The bullying and ostracism started back in earnest.

In 1994, just before Christmas, I tried to hang myself. My haematologist called me a "silly boy" and joked about the irony that my suicide attempt only resulted in need more of the treatment I tried to escape. He roared with laughter and so did the nurse.

When I chose my GCSE options, I aimed for subjects that would help me get into uni to study medicine. I wanted to become a doctor, to treat children better than I'd been treated.

My haematologist urged me very sternly to consider another career path; one which was less risky to others around me - "How would you feel if you infected one of your patients?" The irony was not lost on me, but I listened (as always) to the patronising, powerful man I was supposed to respect and admire.

I studied Optometry.

I hated it, but it paid well, especially when I did locum work between yacht racing seasons. I was able to go back to uni to read Law, whilst working two days a week for a supermarket opticians that rarely booked a full clinic. I spent time between appointments reading my textbooks.

In 2005 I graduated, then joined a global insurance company to head up their marine section, specialising in Racing Risks - I was able to make use of my network in the Yacht racing world and got sent all over the world to capture new business and maintain client relations. It was my dream job.

15 months later, on a rare day off in 2006, I had a car crash that caused a Traumatic Brain Injury and triggered a degenerative disc disease in my lower spine, made worse by my bleeding disorder and very likely from the 15 years of chronic Hep-C symptoms.

Despite multiple surgeries and years of graduated return to work schemes, the company had to make the decision to medically retire me. I had to sell the house I'd bought to renovate with my girlfriend's dad, as it was 3 floors and the exact opposite of what a new wheelchair user needed.

I became incredibly depressed and angry. My TBI and the complex PTSD I hadn't yet discovered made things much worse.

I spiraled and made some incredibly bad choices for myself and others around me.

I blew through my modest savings in about a year and became homeless. Thanks to a family friend, I didn't have to sleep rough, but my situation was unsustainable.

My MP helped support a priority application for social housing and I was eventually offered a flat in a high-rise, in a notoriously bad part of the city. It didn't matter and I started to try and put my life back together.

In the space of two years, I'd gone from a jet-set professional with a house "on top of the hill", to a wheelchair-dependant council tenant on benefits.

I started advocating online to keep from dying of boredom, helping with consumer rights, civil & domestic disputes and banking issues, eventually stumbling across a forum of people with bleeding disorders like mine, who'd been given HIV, Hepatitis (B, C & D) and potentially vCJD.

I learned about the many campaigns to fight for recognition of the harm done to us. I read about the Archer & Penrose whitewashes and looked into the growing pressure to start a class action suit in the High Court.

In 2017, pretty much because our court case was pending, and under pressure from the DUP, Theresa May announced the Public Inquiry into Infected Blood... The cynics in our community knew this was yet another attempt to kick the can down the road, but we met the chairman with an open mind and a willingness to engage.

Sir Brian Langstaff gave us all hope that we might finally be heard.

6½ years later, we finally heard a politician apologised, unequivocally, for the massive harms done to us and the gross conspiracy to hide it, for nearly 5 decades.

We've lost hundreds in those six years - roughly two every week. People I know, some I loved.

Today's announcement by John Glen of the Infected Blood Compensation Authority is another step towards justice and some closure for those of us Infected & Affected by this scandal.
22 Oct 2002
Hull, UK
Maybe the government might want to hold an inquiry into the Nuclear Test Veterens who were exposed to radiation tests between 1952 and 1967 in Australia and the South Pacific -they were the original guinea pigs. They are getting older and have struggled to get war pensions and access to medical records. I don't believe any government has the cajones to look under that carpet and see what has been swept under it.
7 Jan 2003

Thanks for sharing this, that is the sort of life experience that really provides perspective on things, this whole clusterf and life in general. I hope you get everything you deserve, and more.

After the damage that has been done to someone like yourself, those responsible deserve to spend the rest of their miserable lives locked up.
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13 Aug 2023
On the Keyboard
Maybe the government might want to hold an inquiry into the Nuclear Test Veterens who were exposed to radiation tests between 1952 and 1967 in Australia and the South Pacific -they were the original guinea pigs. They are getting older and have struggled to get war pensions and access to medical records. I don't believe any government has the cajones to look under that carpet and see what has been swept under it.
...and then they can start on helping Gulf War Veterans who suffer from Gulf War Syndrome caused by the excessive vaccination regime. There have been many studies over the years all claiming different causes but the fact is it was the vaccinations. How do I know? I know because people like Alex Izett have GWS (he was even given a war pension for GWS) yet he never left Germany but had the vaccinations.
MoD admitted that we were used in a medical experiment and even published the results of the experiment.

Document was from an FOI request by NGVFA
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent

Wow, thanks for sharing

Maybe the government might want to hold an inquiry into the Nuclear Test Veterens who were exposed to radiation tests between 1952 and 1967 in Australia and the South Pacific -they were the original guinea pigs. They are getting older and have struggled to get war pensions and access to medical records. I don't believe any government has the cajones to look under that carpet and see what has been swept under it.

The chances of finding Medical Records are none.
In the 14 years I've been dealing with Health Records it is very rare to see records before the 90s because they don't have to be kept and can be destroyed.

My wife reminded me of the bloke next door who had infected blood and died after only recently getting married in the 80s.
We went to his Mum's funeral in 2019 and his Widow still thinks she's married to him after all these years :(
It's nice to know that with how she has suffered she may get compensation to help out her remaining life.
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1 Nov 2011
What a story - thanks for sharing. Can't imagine how you must feel having been through all that.

In an ideal situation, what would you like to see happen now?
1. Government to publish it's response to Sir Brian's Second Interim Report (Which they've sat on since April 2023), accepting all 19, in full.

(Where the following aren't already covered by the above, then...)

2. Legislation to protect current Infected Blood Support Schemes monthly payments for the life of the recipient, uplifted & maintained above inflation, as per 1.

3. Appointment of a suitable High Court judge or similarly experienced Justice/KC to chair the Infected Blood Compensation Authority.
(Statutory confirmation that the IBCA is truly arm's length, reporting to Parliament, not government.)

5. Registration of affected victims (Parents of dead children, children of dead parents, previously unregistered spouses/partners otherwise missed by the current schemes) with interim compensation of not less than £100k to be paid immediately.

6. Immediate removal of Prof. Sir Jon Montgomery as Chair of the Expert Advisory Panel, owing to his conflict of interest as the current Chairman of Oxford NHS Trust (where I was sent as a PUP to see Charles Rizza) and his executive position at Bayer Pharmaceuticals (who manufactured tainted blood products, then knowingly pushed their use in health systems around the world).

Those are the most pressing (1 being the critical item).

On my wishlist:

CPS investigation by an appropriately qualified department into the key decision makers of the whole timespan, to look at bribes & payments from commercial Factor 8&9 manufacturers (such as Baxter, Bayer, Cutter, Revlon, and the companies that evolved thereafter), to Doctors, Ministers & Civil Servants for preferential treatment in licensing decisions.

Cases for corporate manslaughter, criminal negligence, malfeasance in public office etc, to be brought against the above.

Stock, pensions, privileges, assets seized from those who profited from the above.

Surviving Treloars pupils to receive a full apology from the school, it's administrators and any surviving staff involved in the relevant time period. Their own separate head of loss to be compensated, owing to the unique abuses they experienced at the school.

That's about all I can manage off the bat, without copy/pasta-ing my entire Inquiry Witness statement.

There's much, much more to come, as we meet with Sir Robert Francis' team to discuss the finer details of the Compensation Authority.
1 Nov 2011
Last i checked clot incidence was higher from catching covid in the first place, but it'll be very hard to tell until later down the line.

Who were the health ministers at the time who made spurious statements about the blood having no proven ill effects and such not, surely these people should be judicially challenged, for misconduct in public office?
Ken Clarke.

I had to endure two days of his atrocious pomposity and arrogance, wearing the same shirt on both days, whilst he slouched in the witness stand. He was a perfect example of the attitude we'd received from Government over the entirety of the past 40 years.
17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
I’ve no idea how one would come to a suitable compensatory figure for this. It’s beyond diabolical, and £100k isn’t even going to touch the sides. It is a problem that simply cannot be fixed with money.

A deep dive investigation needs to be carried out and like you say, guilty parties pulled infront of the courts for some sort of justice to be carried out. The problem is that it’ll take forever.

I can even imagine some suicides to come as a result of such an investigation.

It’s just a horrible story and one I had no idea happened until the recent news.

Hopefully you’ll see some sort of justice and at least given enough money for you and your family to not worry about that aspect of life any more.
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1 Nov 2011
Cabinet Office announced the basic structure of the tariffs & heads of loss today...

...neglecting to list any separate heads of loss, then giving "illustrative examples" of total figures:

£35k for people who only experienced the acute stage of Hep-C

£2.2M-£2.6M for those infected with HIV & Hep-C

£80k for a parent who lost a child...

Understandably, people are livid, not least because of the paltry amounts for surviving parents/children, but because it's been done in a way that at first glance, you miss the critical word "illustrative".

Yet another twist of the knife from government.
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31 Jan 2022
Unless my peepers deceive me there's no thread on this!

The conclusions released today have been absolutely unreal. Stretching from individual doctors, through the NHS, to the department of health and then multiple successive PMs. A lot of people should be in prison over this. A lot.

Given we've had the post office scandal and now this, it begs the questions of what's next?

What's to be that no one actually makes it to prison.

These days it seems the only thing the government do is cover their backsides. They don't even do that very well.
17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
Whilst I absolutely stand by those who were affected by this, rightfully, receiving compensation what peeves me off is those responsible won't pay. We, the public, will foot the bill yet again.
You could start by repossessing the homes and bankrupting every high-level government employee /politician who had a hand in covering this up and selling them at auction. But it'll never happen.
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31 Jan 2022
You could start by repossessing the homes and bankrupting every high-level government employee /politician who had a hand in covering this up and selling them at auction. But it'll never happen.

Exactly. But isn't this the same with everything? Most fines that are imposed on companies, for breaking rules, the money goes to the government, not the victims.

If we did something like this, we would be slapped in prison so fast our feet wouldn't touch the floor, but the politicians get away with it every single time.

I think the country would be a lot better place if we held politicians responsible for their decisions and actions.
1 Nov 2011
Exactly. But isn't this the same with everything? Most fines that are imposed on companies, for breaking rules, the money goes to the government, not the victims.
If we did something like this, we would be slapped in prison so fast our feet wouldn't touch the floor, but the politicians get away with it every single time.

I think the country would be a lot better place if we held politicians responsible for their decisions and actions.
Something that was pointed out to us (the Infected Blood Community): the only reason pharma companies were able to produce a safe (relatively) and cost-effective Covid-19 vaccine so quickly, was a direct result of the infectivity experiments/trials we were unwittingly forced into.

Bayer, Astra Zenica, Revlon (who bought Cutter labs) all posted record profits since then...

...perhaps they should be approached about footing the bill??
1 Nov 2011
it’s the idiots who decided to use blood from dodgy people (prisoners, drug addicts) into the Factor VIII that need to be punished.

As one infected donor affected the whole batch
It's also the Doctors who decided to act without our knowledge or consent by accepting the massively increased risk of infection from commercial manky products, in exchange for a lower price (and a fat brown envelope stuffed with cash).

The civil servants who drip-fed ministers information about lines to take ("Best possible care at the time" "No conclusive evidence HIV transmitted by blood" "People inadvertently infected" etc)

The Haemophilia Society who failed to inform members the moment they were aware Hep-C was in 99% of blood stock, prior to 1987.

The NHS trusts who ordered the destruction of patient records.

The Ministers who accepted what they were told by civil service about UK self-sufficiency in blood collection, who delayed warning blood donors that "Men Who Have Sex With Men" (they couldn't just say "Homosexuals" as some refused to accept MWHSWM meant they were gay) were far more likely at risk of HIV...

The press campaigns at the height of the AIDS epidemic who added to the ignorance and stigma...

But you're right, mainly the few key decision-makers who decided a generation of Haemophiliacs were "Cheaper than Chimps", "Useful Material" and ultimately:
"A golden opportunity to study infectivity across an otherwise burdensome cohort of people who only take from the NHS".
1 Nov 2011
Victims & Prisoners Bill has now been passed by the House of Lords and awaits Royal Assent.
This sets in law the need for interim payments of £100k to Affected families otherwise not recognised by the existing support schemes, to be paid within 90 days.
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