Blood Scandal

1 Nov 2011
Monday: Infected Blood Inquiry Report published. Rishi makes "sincere" apology for the decades of conspiracy, cover-up and injustice. Promises to pay "whatever it takes" to compensate

Tuesday: John Glenn (Paymaster General) announces Infected Blood Compensation Authority, allegedly an arms-length body. Details of heads of loss and tariffs published online, but amounts are "illustrative". Amounts range from £35k for acute Hep-C, to £2.8M for those with HIV & Chronic (Stage 2) Hep-C. However, existing support schemes (guaranteed for life) will end in April 2025.

Wednesday: Rishi announces General Election. Media coverage of Infected Blood Community outrage is minimal.

Thursday: Victims & Prisoners Bill is pushed through via "wash-up" and gains Royal Assent. This puts a 90 day deadline on government to pay interim compensation of £210k to Infected victims (those with the least time) and £100k to estates of the dead.

The whole situation is an absolute shambles - the compensation framework that was setup two years ago has been all but ignored. The papers quoting "Victims and families to receive £Millions" miss the fact that those figures are illustrative and very few will get that. There's no compensatory amount, they're effectively giving what people would have received in monthly support payments, up front, with no adjustment for inflation.

The whole community is livid, we feel cheated and ignored yet again.

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