Bloody Foxes!

1 Nov 2004
The screaming season has started. :rolleyes:

Don't know if anyone else has the same problem at night but over here in London they are now so tame that you can bang and shout at them and they just ignore you and carry on.
The screaming season has started. :rolleyes:

Don't know if anyone else has the same problem at night but over here in London they are now so tame that you can bang and shout at them and they just ignore you and carry on.

My sisters got a house in Catford and shes showed me pictures of the ones digging up everything in her garden... The cubs are as cute as hell but her garden looks like No mans land :p

Are they protected by law? They do seem to have totally taken over in recent years. My mums area has a big population too. They walk up and down her street in broad day light too!


? :P
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never seen a fox around here tbh i see deer out of the window sometimes ,when im sat out on an evening its amazing how noisy the snails are
They walk up and down her street in broad day light too!

Same here , some of them no longer seem to be nocturnal.

Not sure if they are protected but when ever the subject of culling comes up by City Councils the animal rights lot kick off and the subject gets dropped.
No they are definitely not protected and are vermin, so can be humanely killed. A local farmer has shot over 12 since January just on his own modest area of land. One of my dogs got a fox last week, thankfully despatching it quickly and cleanly. There seem a lot about round here this year.

What you cannot legally do is actively hunt them with a pack of hounds.
We get a lot in our garden, sometimes see one snoozing around the back of the summerhouse. I love them! Yeah they make a bit of noise but so do the Magpies and if anything I'd say the magpies cause more of a disturbance
You will have to move to the countryside - Then as a townie you can report it to the envionment dept for noise and it will be instantly banned. :)
I guess they are safe in cities as posh ***** on horses can't kill them :p

Even if they aren't protected, there won't be any legal way to deal with them in a town. It's not like you can blast them with a shotgun in the middle of a street.
I guess they are safe in cities as posh ***** on horses can't kill them :p

Even if they aren't protected, there won't be any legal way to deal with them in a town. It's not like you can blast them with a shotgun in the middle of a street.

You can pay someone to trap them and then take them away... what they do with them after that I didn't ask.
My dad has been feeding them in his back garden for years. One of them used to come right up and take the food from his hand!
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