Bloody Foxes!


Got the old thermal out for a bit of fun this evening...
We have a couple that frequent our garden and use the pond for drink.
Cute, don't mind the crying, plenty of idiots with dogs that bark non stop so no different.
I don't mind Foxes so much, but it's the crying that really unnerves me, some of them sound like a woman being murdered in the middle of the street.
I don't mind Foxes so much, but it's the crying that really unnerves me, some of them sound like a woman being murdered in the middle of the street.

When I first heard it I thought a girl was being attacked. Couldn't believe an animal could make that noise.

The foxes around our area are so nonchalant. They're not really domesticated as such, they just act like that couldn't give a **** about you. I've never seen an animal jog away from me with so little effort. It's almost rude.
The foxes around our area are so nonchalant. They're not really domesticated as such, they just act like that couldn't give a **** about you.

Ok, story time

We just moved into my new house and I was just sitting there in the living room on a deckchair (sofa hadn't arrived at that point) I had the garden door open and in trots in a fox, straight past me without looking and straight into our kitchen. In shock, I just stood up my arms outstretched in a "come at me bro" stance and said, "Errr excuse me?" He took one look at me as if I disturbed him doing something really important and then I just said "Leave" in my best authoritative voice. He then just nonchalantly troated out again without a fuss!
Not when they crap on and dig up your lawn every night they aren't. Thankfully got that solved now.

Yeah that and the screaming at 2 a.m. its deafening. Bloody things. Somewhere where I work theres one with no fear whatsoever just stands in the road and watches you. Found out the reason later some guy was sitting on a bench and feeding it. By hand. Like it was a dog.

Not sure if my imagination but there seems to be more wildlife visible these days seen a badger a couple of times crossing the road at the same spot so must be a set nearby and last night there were even a couple of deer by the side of the main road only feet away not the slightest bit bothered, mind you it was very early morning but my word they are large much larger than dogs if one of them decided to bolt across the road there could be nasty accident.
We've always had foxes behind our flat but they're usually quiet and dont bother anyone, might rip open a bin bag or two but never really been an issue.

Ever since the pandemic they've gotten brave and the numbers have increased. Every night we hear them screaming. As mentioned above the first few times I thought a woman was being attacked or someones cat was getting murdered, horrible noise.

They're a lot braver now too, before they'd run at the sight of you but now they hardly care if you're there. I almost drunkenly petted one they're so laidback :D

It's apparently mating season and all the adult ones don't seem to take too kindly to the local pets. My neighbours husky was jumping over fences trying to escape from a pack of them, took 2 hours before they caught her and brought her inside! A couple attacked a neighbours cat and that fight woke up half the street. They're a massive nuisance but there's too many animal lovers who kick up a fuss any time someone tries to tackle the problem.
The road to work is littered with dead foxes the last few days - had a few run across in front of me on my way home at night as well but far enough ahead I've not had to brake for them.
Still Havnt seen a fox in this full on rural area , just done a garden check and my mole Gimly is still running riot down by the mini wildlife pomd at least he's quiet, and bringing up some nutrient rich soil (we never use any weed killer or suppressant)


Still Havnt seen a fox in this full on rural area

Still don't hear or see them around like I did in urban London but this year there is much more background activity from them in the fully rural part of Somerset I'm living in - lockdown, etc. seems to have had some kind of impact.
you probably wont hear them if you have farmers and farmland nearby... I've moved from London, where there were loads of foxes, but now i live in the middle of bloody no where i don't see them/hear them because.... bang

oh and game keepers especially
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Urban foxes are great, I remember driving through the Enfield town centre late at night and seeing a fox run across the road and I really did not expect that in London.

Has anyone mentioned Foxes (the singer yet)? She's alright too.
Fair few of them run up/down our road screeching, normally in groups. You either see the others/other one, or you hear the responding screeches. We're closer to trent park though. Oddly enough there haven't been many around in the last year, if any.
We used to have a lot of foxes round our way. I don't quite why there were no many but yes, they were screamers especially in the early hours. At the next house, years later, there were some in the woods and they stunk to the high heavens. Especially when my dog rooted them out.
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