Blue and Green are the same colour?

Really, just knowing that your eyes/mind/ears & even views are prone to deception & manipulation is in part one way to safeguard against it.
You guys might be interested in a series on National Geographic at the moment called Brain Games. Not too bad. An American show about optical illusions and such.

Some cool magician here. No idea what his name is though. :p

I forgot about this thread, and I will update it again soon. :)

Take a look at this, a spiral... One is green, and the other is blue? Or one is blue and one is green?

You're wrong. They are in fact both the same colour. - It is funny how our brain reacts to what our eyes apparently see. I love optical illusion's and trickery, after all I am a magician who likes sleight of hand and other misdirection techniques too.

What optical illusions do you like, and are there any magic performances you like? Share here! :)

Here is one sleight of hand and misdirection routine I am growing to like:

Grow up, you aren't a magician
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