BluRay Already Won The Format War?

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
Sony pictures seem to think so.
Going by January sales figures of 2 - 1 in favor of BluRay and the amount of BluRay players it seems logical. Also in a little over a month there will be another Million + BluRay players in homes with the EU Launch, things my actually be looking good for the format.

Two movies on Blu-ray Disc were sold for every one sold on the HD DVD format during January, according to studio sources.

Blu-ray backers attributed the gains to the fact that more titles were released on Blu-ray than on HD DVD during the month and to quick consumer adoption of Sony’s Blu-ray-enabled PlayStation 3 videogame machine. More than 1 million U.S. homes now have Blu-ray players, including set-top boxes and PS3s.

“I think finally everything that we knew going into this format has started to happen,” said Sony Pictures Home Entertainment worldwide president David Bishop. “We have a critical mass of content, we have the biggest mass of consumer electronics companies in the world supporting this format. That has moved Blu-ray into the forefront.”

Sony is so confident that Bishop said the studio plans to begin marketing the format to consumers as the winner of the format war.

“The message that we’re going to put out to the consumer now is, now it is safe to make a choice,” he said. “No more fence-sitting is needed.”
In fact, HD DVD sales are continuing at a steady pace, they just haven’t grown as fast as Blu-ray.

Twenty-five Blu-ray movies were released in January, compared to 11 titles on HD DVD.

Also, the top titles on Blu-ray outsold those on HD DVD during the first three weeks of January. Lionsgate’s Crank sold 7,500 units on Blu-ray, compared to HD DVD’s top seller for the period, Batman Begins, which sold through 4,100 units, according to studio sources.

However, it’s hard to get an even comparison as not all movies are available on both formats. Crank was a new release and wasn’t available on HD DVD, and Batman Begins has been available on HD DVD and Blu-ray since November.

On, a site that tracks sales of both formats through Amazon, Warner’s Feb. 13 release The Departed, is the top-selling high-definition movie on both formats for the past 30 days (on pre-orders), with the Blu-ray version ranking as the 36th top-selling product and the HD DVD version the 45th as of Feb. 8.

Executives with the HD DVD Promotional Group weren’t available to comment on high-def disc sales.

Buena Vista Worldwide Home Entertainment general manager of North America Lori MacPherson said the studio is promoting its Blu-ray movies to PS3 households to drive software sales and continue to build momentum.

“One of the things that’s so important is that Blu-ray has this big advantage because of PS3,” she said. “Obviously, that is really helping the installed hardware base.”

But retailers are less confident.

A spokesman for Best Buy said the retailer believes there needs to be industry unification behind one format before victory is declared.

“The view around here is that something has got to be done definitively to get people off the bench,” spokesman Brian Lucas said.

Every studio but Universal Studios Home Entertainment is putting movies out on Blu-ray. Sony, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, Buena Vista and Lionsgate support Blu-ray exclusively; Warner Home Video and Paramount Home Entertainment are releasing films on both formats; and Universal is releasing movies on HD DVD only.

Last edited:
9 Jun 2005
common universal studios you know its right....

this should really be in the home cinema/hi fi forum or whatever its called these days tbh
27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
andy said:
common universal studios you know its right....

this should really be in the home cinema/hi fi forum or whatever its called these days tbh

I was surprised to see they where the only exclusive studio to HD-DVD.
Will only be a matter of time. Think i will hold off on getting an HD-DVD player.

I would put it there, but BluRay and Sony formats are a big talking point in here just now.
Man of Honour
13 Jul 2004
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I'm not touching either format (or counting my chicks before they hatch) until the general public vote on a format with their wallets. The sales so far have mostly been by "enthusiasts" and don't count for much.

I don't care which wins but I will wait until there is a clear winner before I buy a drive (PC, non of this games console movie player crap).
4 Jan 2005
The PS3 will help Blu-ray forward just like the PS2 promoted DVD sales. Obviously the impact may not be so large this time around as there were no strong alternative to DVDs, but having a Blu-ray functionality built into the PS3 will help the cause a lot.
12 May 2005
Ripon, North Yorkshire
Gerard said:
And you expected SONY pictures to say ZOMG HD-DVD is raping bluray? :confused:

was just thinking that coz there going to say postive things about there own product but its the people on here that no the truth about things where as the general public are sheep and follow every one else :p
27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
Chrisss said:
I doubt it.

This time next year if BluRay keeps outselling HD-DVD none of the studios will jump ship and HD-DVD will be having a serious rethink.
But i think in 12 months we will see what one has a big installed base and how many are being sold.
Can't say i am not happy about this as it is only good if a clear winner comes early. Saves people splitting a collection and then half of it being rendered useless.
And if its BluRay then even better as it means the PS3 will be strong which will keep the gaming market fresh.
30 Sep 2005
I dont even own a HD tv yet and they are already predicting the winnner, give it 4 years maybe, people aint going to jump to HD DVD or bluray when they can buy a £9 dvd player from asda.
8 Aug 2003
Not like Sony to talk BS then is it...

Over , gees come on it hasnt even started yet, DVD will outsell both for at least the next 3 years, so theirs your winner..

Besides 1080p from HD-DVD or BLU RAY is not like OMG, nice it is yes but unlike what DVD offered over VHS in versatility userablilty and of course Dolby Digital / DTS neither of these formats offer much more really then woopy doo interactive menus and nicer picture quality. Some will appreciate that yes but at the end of the day its only a movie.

Problem is about 90% of people are quite happy with DVD and certainly arnt too interested in paying £20+ for a movie.

Sony do have the new BOND flick wrapped up though it seems but id wish each brand would just get on and stop this silly exclusitivity releases to promote their formats.
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19 Aug 2006
This time next year if BluRay keeps outselling HD-DVD none of the studios will jump ship and HD-DVD will be having a serious rethink.
But i think in 12 months we will see what one has a big installed base and how many are being sold.
Can't say i am not happy about this as it is only good if a clear winner comes early. Saves people splitting a collection and then half of it being rendered useless.
And if its BluRay then even better as it means the PS3 will be strong which will keep the gaming market fresh.

I don't think either format will hit the mainstream for at least 2-3 years.

To suggest that film companies will stop shipping HD-DVDs just because it is less popular with the enthusiasts is ridiculous.
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