Board Games

Had great fun with the wife and our friends playing Star Wars Risk one night. The girls were the Imperials, I was the Hutts and the other guy was the Rebels. The girls were so focused on destroying the rebels i snuck in the back door and won!

We play Atriculate quite a lot. Always good for a laugh and even more so after a drink. One that continues to confound the wife and our friend is my clue one evening to the guy I was playing with. I'm describing an object and the clue is "opposite of a circle". Instantly he said a square. As did my brother, dad, father in law, my mates brother etc.
The Really Nasty Horseracing Game - You have a racetrack and each player has a horse. At the start everyone secretly places bets on who they want to win and try and get that horse to do so via using different hazard cards...great fun!!
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playing boardgames with some drinks is awesome fun.

Party & Co Game
The Big Taboo

Rapidough is great fun

The Really Nasty Horseracing Game - You have a racetrack and each player has a horse. At the start everyone secretly places bets on who they want to win and try and get that horse to do so via using different hazard cards...great fun!!


Had a few games of that, really fun. It's great to represent one bet but secretly place another a fix the race. Loads of fun.
Last Night on Earth is an excellent board game for 2-6 players. It's a zombies vs. survivors game, several scenarios with a modular board so the 'map' is always different to the last. It uses a combination of miniatures and playing cards, and has several expansion packs which add new zombie types, heroes, scenarios, playing cards, etc.

Really can't recommend it enough if you enjoy zombie 'stuff' and want a fun boardgame to play with some friends, games can be as short as 1 hour or up to 4 or so. The rules are 'modular' meaning you can play with the basic rules or include several of the extra rules to make for a longer and more interesting game. They are also given weighting, so you can make the game equal for both the zombies and the survivors (or equally slant it in the zombies' favour if you so wish). For example to give the zombie player 'Grave Weapons' (the ability for them to swing an axe, machete, or be wrapped in barbed wire) may cost X points. To balance this out, you may give the survivors the ability to build barricades, costing X points and so on.

The game is well made, the board and cards are printed on thick card and the artwork is excellent. The game itself is a tongue-in-cheek take on popular zombie films, with a splash of Left 4 Dead action rolled up into a boardgame.

That looks really good, I might have to look at buying that.
I'd second:
- Munchkin
- Settlers of Catan
- Last Night on Earth (it even comes with a CD of creepy music!)

Plus throw in:
- Pandemic (serious amazing co-op game)
- Ticket To Ride (needs the 1910 expansion to be proper fun)
- Powergrid (can take a while to play)
- Family Business
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Monty Python flux is brilliant. The accents rule never ceases to cause absolute hysterics. Everyone loves my Mexicaaaaan accent :D
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