If it's under warranty just RMA it, or if it's out of warranty get an aftermarket cooler like an arctic accelero.
Don't know if you noticed but we grabbed a spot on WCG only to lose the same spot to another team, it was seamless, seem to happen on the same update.
The team that was 70,000 ahead of us on yoyo is now only 30,000 ahead, so I'm going to keep on that until the stomp and then switch a couple of rigs over to LHC, and Einstien is finishing in a few hours, we are being caught, but too little too late for them
13th will be a good result for us.
EDIT: Just realised that we were 12th, one team dumped 10.5 mill in the last 24hrs to stomp half a dozen teams, including us, still, no shame in 13th.