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Exactly, a migrant caravan would tie in with trump's narrative about illegal migrants. How would that benefit the democrats?
LOL, it's simply hilarious that you actually typed this out and still didn't see the problem.
Or perhaps you hastily copy/pasted it from some lunatic alt right site.
Either way... /derp
What would be interesting to know, and I do not think it has been reported upon yet (might be wrong) is that I wouldn't be too supprised if this guy was a cannabis user, it seems to be quite a common point in things like this, and middle eastern terriorists etc, there seems to be a trend that if you get someone who has the feeling of being a bit of an outcast / not thinking they have much of a purpose in life, then its almost like the cannabis causes them to latch onto extremist causes (perhaps they loose the ability to recongnise lunatic groups for what they are) in order to be a part of something.
I didn't, which is why I missed the extra A. Even so, "a accessory", "accessory a". The observation still stands.
And that's all it is, an observation.
Of course a response of hilarity, alt-right ties and stupidity is totally justified. Not. Perhaps you're just a bit too keen to jump on anyone who might suggest anything other than what you believe.
I didn't, which is why I missed the extra A. Even so, "a accessory", "accessory a". The observation still stands.
I see the sheep are already blaming Trump.
So someone has sent packages to all those people, knowing their mail is screened, and we're expected to actually believe that it was some evil right winger inspired by Trump when it's this close to the mid terms? You couldn't make it up!
Fake news orchestrated by soros and the deep state.
Totally set up.
This has the smell of desperate democrats all over it, and Hillary managed to get her video out first I see..
How much is Soros paying you?
Authorities have determined that some of the bombs were FAKE, not operable, designed as an elaborate stunt
There's a good NPC.
The npc meme really does describe your posting habits doesn't it!
Word coming out that it’s a left wing nut/antifa
I’m so surprised..
It doesn't really make sense though because his actions can only help the Democrats. Why send a bunch of fake bombs so close to the midterms if he's a Trump fan? unless he's just totally stupid it's probably more realistic that the Democrats bunged him some money to do it.
Lets have a quick recap of this thread. I think it's safe to say that anyone who rushed in here talking about sheep, drones, NPCs, Left/Democrat/Soros conspiracy theories are either complete naive gullible fools who parrot whatever someone tells them to think (ironic since that's what they like to accuse others of) or people intentionally pushing fake news and disinformation to further their agenda.
The npc meme really does describe your posting habits doesn't it!
Because he supports someone your 'collective' disapproves of you think you can automatically disregard any statement he makes without considering whether it might have any merit!
You might want to toddle back of to the trump thread and join the circle with the rest of the gang there because this ain't the echo chamber that largely is speakers corner.....
As he said who actually benefits from sending a load of fake bombs to democrats or people otherwise perceived to be connected to them at this point?
Its hardly going to get more people voting republican if taken at face value now is it?
No one posting here knows who sent these 'bombs' or why.
However... .
They appear to be extremely rudimentary devices and given that not a single one went off its not yet clear if they even had the capability to detonate.
And if we take these bombs at 'face' value any negative hit would be for the Republicans in the elections.
Hence on the face of it doesn't look like it would have been done to to bolster the Republicans because the opposite could be expected.
So yeah of course its possible that some deranged MAGA wearing individual or individuals could be responsible but if they are deranged and they don't care if they hurt the Republicans in the mid terms then they could easily achieve a far more spectacular show by going straight at a prominent democract politician or supporter.
The recent Kavanaugh hearing sheningans from certain activists shows its certainly not that hard to get up close and personal with fairly prominent politicians if one is determined to do so.
So if we apply the idea 'who benefits' ..
Then there's also a good chance that these 'bombs' were sent by someone who wanted to try and smear the Republicans by association.
Caracus2k's cutting NPC remark was in response to me saying it's safe to ignore a chap because his Twitter feed is chock-full of pro-Trump derp.
If ever you need any more advice Caracus, just give me a shout.
You're missing the important bit. The guy's Twitter is chock-full of pro Trump crap.
If a simpleton like me can see through it, surely a man of your calibre shouldn't entertain it for a second.
GD - only the best people, believe me!Lets have a quick recap of this thread. I think it's safe to say that anyone who rushed in here talking about sheep, drones, NPCs, Left/Democrat/Soros conspiracy theories are either complete naive gullible fools who parrot whatever someone tells them to think (ironic since that's what they like to accuse others of) or people intentionally pushing fake news and disinformation to further their agenda.
Generally it'll be the former, where they aren't even self aware enough to realise the lack of critical thinking skills they have
We have a small selection of contenders of the week below
It's a toughie to pick out who is the biggest fool of them all, I mean obviously Tang0 still holds the overall top spot just from his historical postings, and even though he has multiple entries in this weeks competition, it was a close run thing...But I think this weeks internet herp derp of the week goes to.... @mmj_uk !
I mean, even Tang0 came out and acknowledged he was wrong (not that that will stop you believing the next bit of BS you are told Tang0) but to come out and post this after the guy has been caught..
Come on that is doubling down of Trumpellian proportions! The orange cheeto himself would be so proud
So, congratulations mmj, your prize is a life time supply of gender neutral tissues so you can wipe that drool off your keyboard, hopefully it will help you to post more coherently in the future.
Though with a late addition, mulder needs to get a special mention for his suspicious anagram theory that isn't an anagram, but it is if you randomly add extra work!
Phew, I'm glad the BBC have made sure that we know he's a Trump supporter, alongside their front page news article detailing how the brave BBC presenter heroically survived being complimented on her looks by Trump 6 years ago. The intelligent hilarious female reporter even quipped that she'd heard better lines down the pub! I'm almost tempted to become a US citizen just so I can vote for the Democrats. What an inspiring and diverse broadcaster the BBC have become.
<End of NPC transmission>