Bombs sent to Obama, Clintons & CNN

12 Jun 2003
Phew, I'm glad the BBC have made sure that we know he's a Trump supporter, alongside their front page news article detailing how the brave BBC presenter heroically survived being complimented on her looks by Trump 6 years ago. The intelligent hilarious female reporter even quipped that she'd heard better lines down the pub! I'm almost tempted to become a US citizen just so I can vote for the Democrats. What an inspiring and diverse broadcaster the BBC have become.

<End of NPC transmission>

This is the difference in reporting when the attacks come from the other side

30 Jul 2013
The other side of what? the Garden?

I hadn't heard anything about this, but a quick google suggests a neighbour dispute....Are you saying his neighbour was some violent left-winger?

It was the last straw — or in this case the last twig.

Rene Boucher, 58, was charged on Friday with assaulting a member of Congress, a felony, months after his sneak attack on Sen. Rand Paul in November, according to officials.

Federal prosecutors said Boucher "had enough" after he witnessed Paul stack brush into a pile on his own lawn, but near Boucher's property. Boucher then ran onto Paul's property and tackled him.

Federal prosecutors on Friday said Boucher admitted the assault but denied it was politically motivated. Boucher's lawyer also denied previously that politics had anything to go with the fight.

That you would compare a neighbour dispute with a mail bombing campaign is laughable.
25 Mar 2008
Lets have a quick recap of this thread. I think it's safe to say that anyone who rushed in here talking about sheep, drones, NPCs, Left/Democrat/Soros conspiracy theories are either complete naive gullible fools who parrot whatever someone tells them to think (ironic since that's what they like to accuse others of) or people intentionally pushing fake news and disinformation to further their agenda.

Generally it'll be the former, where they aren't even self aware enough to realise the lack of critical thinking skills they have

We have a small selection of contenders of the week below

It's a toughie to pick out who is the biggest fool of them all, I mean obviously Tang0 still holds the overall top spot just from his historical postings, and even though he has multiple entries in this weeks competition, it was a close run thing...But I think this weeks internet herp derp of the week goes to.... @mmj_uk !

I mean, even Tang0 came out and acknowledged he was wrong (not that that will stop you believing the next bit of BS you are told Tang0) but to come out and post this after the guy has been caught..

Come on that is doubling down of Trumpellian proportions! The orange cheeto himself would be so proud

So, congratulations mmj, your prize is a life time supply of gender neutral tissues so you can wipe that drool off your keyboard, hopefully it will help you to post more coherently in the future.

Though with a late addition, mulder needs to get a special mention for his suspicious anagram theory that isn't an anagram, but it is if you randomly add extra work!
Nice summary of the resident loons, but, I've got to ask @tang0 - how much is the GRU paying you to give up all credibility?
29 Jul 2010
I don't think that makes me a naive gullible fool rather someone open to many potential options.

Oh, I don't think you're a gullible fool Caracus2k, not at all, you are obviously a fairly intelligent and erudite person and because of that, I put you in the intentionally spreading disingenuous information to push your agenda camp. The latter of my options.
27 Jan 2009
Here's a good example as to why people, like me, held a healthy dose of scepticism to an automatic conclusion to this matter before more information was available

So the Guardians straight onto insinuating that it's one of Trumps supporters that must have done this right?

Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo had the following to say on the matter.....

"I am disgusted by the discovery of anti-Semitic graffiti at a house of worship in Brooklyn. At a time when the nation is still reeling from the attack at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, New Yorkers stand united with the Jewish community and against hate in all its forms. In New York, we have zero tolerance for discrimination in our laws or in our spirit. I have directed the State's Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate this hideous act and hold those responsible accountable to the full extent of the law. As governor, I am also doing everything in my power to ensure our religious institutions are free from violence and intolerance. This week, we announced the launch of an additional $10 million grant program to help protect New York's non-public schools and cultural centers, including religious-based institutions. The disgusting rhetoric and heinous violence in this nation has reached a fever pitch and is ripping at the fabric of America, and it must stop. In New York, we have forged community through chords of commonality and we will always stand together against hate and discrimination."

I wonder if he meant disgusting rhetoric and heinous violence from all sides (including Democrats) ..... Or maybe was he just "dog whistling" about Republicans?

Well I guess we can assume the latter. . ?

But then an arrest is made...

And he's a black, LGBT, democratic activist who had been an intern for a Democrat seeking election.....

But let's squeeze in the "he has had mental health problems" excuses . ..

I thought that excuse was supposed to only be used when white, male right wing types do bad stuff according to the "progressive" media?

Don't tell me the Huff post are full of **** now really?

Anyways false flags do exist and have targetted Trump...

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10 Oct 2004
The way these threads go is pretty sad to see really, and I'd guess is why this forum is increasingly an echo chamber for the usual crowd. I used to post much more actively around here, but with language like "gullible fools, morons, crackheads, derp" etc I don't bother much now.

As the saying goes, all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
25 Mar 2008
The way these threads go is pretty sad to see really, and I'd guess is why this forum is increasingly an echo chamber for the usual crowd. I used to post much more actively around here, but with language like "gullible fools, morons, crackheads, derp" etc I don't bother much now.

As the saying goes, all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
I take it you see no problem with countering soaring statistics with an anecdote as long as it helps maintain your bigoted worldview?
29 Jul 2010
The way these threads go is pretty sad to see really

I know right, it's just embarrasing seeing the same old people coming in with their ridiculous CT's time and time again because some completely random person on the fringes of the internet has told them to think that way and they believe it without question.

and I'd guess is why this forum is increasingly an echo chamber for the usual crowd.

I know, GD really has descended into a sewer of continual 'woe is me' posts by the usual crowd about how they are now the most underprivileged and discriminated section of society by merit of being a white male, laughable isn't it!

I used to post much more actively around here, but with language like "gullible fools, morons, crackheads, derp" etc I don't bother much now

I agree, best to keep to your own safe space, I mean you don't want to come across people who say nasty words that will upset you.
10 Oct 2004
I know right, it's just embarrasing seeing the same old people coming in with their ridiculous CT's time and time again because some completely random person on the fringes of the internet has told them to think that way and they believe it without question.

I know, GD really has descended into a sewer of continual 'woe is me' posts by the usual crowd about how they are now the most underprivileged and discriminated section of society by merit of being a white male, laughable isn't it!

I agree, best to keep to your own safe space, I mean you don't want to come across people who say nasty words that will upset you.

No need to be embarrassed dude, we're only on the internet.

And why make this about race and gender? What's that got to do with anything?

Personally I think you need some evidence before shouting "bigot, crackhead, fool" at someone. I guess you're a fan of the new way of debating that we're seeing in the US, assume their identity and just shout names at them!
20 Apr 2004
Here's a good example as to why people, like me, held a healthy dose of scepticism to an automatic conclusion to this matter before more information was available

So the Guardians straight onto insinuating that it's one of Trumps supporters that must have done this right?

Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo had the following to say on the matter.....

I wonder if he meant disgusting rhetoric and heinous violence from all sides (including Democrats) ..... Or maybe was he just "dog whistling" about Republicans?

Well I guess we can assume the latter. . ?

But then an arrest is made...

And he's a black, LGBT, democratic activist who had been an intern for a Democrat seeking election.....

But let's squeeze in the "he has had mental health problems" excuses . ..

I thought that excuse was supposed to only be used when white, male right wing types do bad stuff according to the "progressive" media?

Don't tell me the Huff post are full of **** now really?

Anyways false flags do exist and have targetted Trump...

Didn't he oddly have Jewish foster parents too ?
27 Jan 2009
But i watched a Youtube video yesterday where it said I, a white straight male, was the most persecuted member of society. I have no evidence but that's the way I feel so I'm going to say it as fact.

Stop watching facistic clips from extremist outlets like CNN and their future fuhrer in the making Don Lemom....

What with him saying the following...

I expect he will soon be enlightening us all to his "final solution" to the white man problem.

Funny old world isn't it.... American politics and the media! Don't think a white anchor would survive making such comments about any non white person on any "centre" or left leaning channel.

Perhaps he needs a lesson in per capita statistics as well, what with white men currently being one of the largest groups, numerically, in the country.....

Still I'm happy to go down the statistics line if CNN want to play the whoose the biggest threat line..... Don't think that a black anchor like Lemom would like where that train of exploration might take the channel however...
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27 Jan 2009
Didn't he oddly have Jewish foster parents too ?

He did in deed....

Ironically future Furher Lemon was speaking, in the above clip, to the same Democrat, Mr Cuomo, who was was trying to make anti Trump political hay about the synagogue damage before the arrest dismissed the white, republican, maga hat expected suspect narrative!
25 Jan 2013
Honestly, this thread is GOLD. I keep nipping back in here to see if things have become any more sensible but nope. Such utter tripe being thrown around by some of the trump supporters. Mods, if you close this thread for any reason I will never recommend you're excellent site to anyone again. Let's see how far we can push this, guys.
27 Jan 2009
Honestly, this thread is GOLD. I keep nipping back in here to see if things have become any more sensible but nope. Such utter tripe being thrown around by some of the trump supporters. Mods, if you close this thread for any reason I will never recommend you're excellent site to anyone again. Let's see how far we can push this, guys.

What we really need is more comments that are not at all tripe from educated not at all loony people who subscribe to the `progressive stack principle`

(where its impossible to be racist, ageist and or sexist against old white men...... or any variation of the constituent bits).....

You and Mr Lemon would be right at home together I assume?

DrToffnar said:
25 Jul 2005
Are you drunk Caracus? I can only assume so!

You seem to be equating someone scrawling grafitti (he's an idiot and should be punished - can't believe I have to clarify a view on that, but you know...) with someone that sent 10 bombs to people through the post AND someone else who killed almost a dozen people...?

You've also created this straw man that suggests people are stating that only Trump supporters/far right viewpoints can lead to antisemitism and violence. That may be a widespread view in your mind, but it's certainly not in reality. It's a long way from the viewpoint most seem to subscribe to which is that Trumps rhetoric has increased violence and hate crime, not created it.

At least this thread shows the true colours of some of the posters on here. Conspiracy theory nutters...
18 Oct 2002
Are you drunk Caracus? I can only assume so!

You seem to be equating someone scrawling grafitti (he's an idiot and should be punished - can't believe I have to clarify a view on that, but you know...) with someone that sent 10 bombs to people through the post AND someone else who killed almost a dozen people...?

You've also created this straw man that suggests people are stating that only Trump supporters/far right viewpoints can lead to antisemitism and violence. That may be a widespread view in your mind, but it's certainly not in reality. It's a long way from the viewpoint most seem to subscribe to which is that Trumps rhetoric has increased violence and hate crime, not created it.

At least this thread shows the true colours of some of the posters on here. Conspiracy theory nutters...

Yup, the craziness on display is rather epic. Here's a half dozen major shootings, attempted bombings, literal terrorism as well as dozens of smaller scale shootings all but whack job right wingers.... but a couple of guys scribbled some anti semetic stuff as a 'false flag' because those dozens of shooting attacks and the right wing anti gay, anti immigrant, anti white rhetoric is scaring the crap out of them and it's proof that it's 'both sides'.

Even if those guys had been writing such things to encourage voting for years on end, it's still absolutely no where near the same level of thing the right wingers are perpetrating, but it's literally something very recent after a monumental and genuinely terrifyingly quick rise in facist/right wing attacks so it's also completely understandable as to why they'd felt the need to do so. The right wing attacks are not in response to anything except fear mongering and hate speech.

But the thing is, even those 'left wing' incidents, are still evidence of the open nature of hostility that Trump has been encouraging.
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