Books without films

I was going to suggest Necroscope by Brian Lumley however after a quick search it looks like it's in the process :)
Dragonlance, though they are making a cartoon of it :S won't be as good as live action.

Would love to see the Chronicles and Legends books made into films. Raistlin 4tw!
Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Still to read Endymion and Rise of Endymion. Absolutely amazing sci-fi. Just buy them, okay?

All those books might get turned into a movie, but nothing definite has been announced.
Any of the Terry Brooks Shannara series or his Word and the Void series. Some talk about possibly a film coming but nothing definite yet or which book it could be.

The problem is great books are very hard to make into great films.

Of the Iain M Banks books I've read Excession seems to be the most readily turned into a film.

Shorter stories seem to be more successful when given the movie treatment so Turqoise Days by Alastair Reynolds, Darwinia or Bios by Robert Charles Wilson and The Icarus Hunt by Timothy Zahn.

Bernard Cornwell's Warlord trilogy should have been heavily plundered to make the recent King Arthur film. It might have been worth watching then.

Can't understand all the love for Amtrak Wars on here. Being in touch with your inner child is OK, but writing like a fourteen year old isn't.
Culture books from Iain . M . Banks.

(particularly Consider Phlebas, Use of Weapons, Look to Windward, Player of Games).

Outside of his Culture range (but still sci-fi) Against a Dark Background could prove interesting.
Gilly said:
Its one of the only absolute truths there are :)

Since then I've read about 15 books and all of them have been a long way better.

I don't suppose you could sum up what you thought was wrong with it?

That trilogy is next in my to read list after I finish Wintersmith. I finally finished reading the Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant last night.
Are you going to read the first book of the third TC trilogy?

As for the HDM trilogy, they evoke a strong feeling in me. A good thing in the norm for a book, but its not the content and subject matter I feel strongly about it is the author and the books themselves. They're slow, the characters are badly formed, the main character in the first book is very cold, you feel like you're constantly being preached at, though the author hates the church and really doesn't hold back in saying so through the medium of his books... By the end of it the plot twists are so stupid you don't even care about what happens any more. I found myself plodding through them just to make sure I never return to waste my time on them again - if I don't finish a book there's always that doubt that they finish strongly. These ones really, really, really don't.

The level of English used is poor. At least, on the whole it is OK but on every other page there's a phrase that jumps out at you as childish. It ruins the flow of the books which isn't good to start with.

The first is an OK read, the second far less so, the third is easily the worst book I've read for 5 years. Fine for preteens and early teens, nothing more. Thats from someone that enjoys the Harry Potter books.
crystaline said:
I'd love to think your username came from a Malice Mizer reference... but sadly I'm probably wrong

:) the guitar player? ;)...

sadly not :(
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Mana said:
Tom Clancy's Rainbox Six...

Awesome book - any film would be botched though I can promise that :(

I can't think of many tbh - only really started reading again the last few months/year so trying to find some good books :>
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