Raist said:
Tom Clancy "Without Remorse" - would love to see this one made.
Agree 100%. I haven't read much Clancy in recent years (I kinda overdosed in the 90s, reading several of them more than once), and it always seemed to me that Without Remorse would be one of the more suitable titles for a film.
Why? Well, consider this. Clancy books typically usually have a huge, sprawling plot incorporating at least half a dozen MAJOR characters (i.e. those we follow for considerable time, and jump around to), minimum. That is fine in a book, but in a Hollywood blockbuster it rarely works. Congesting a Clancy novel into 2hrs is hard enough in itself, but when you've got to keep chopping and changing so much, it's not possible to 'hook' the viewer into the mentality of the characters.
Without Remorse, on the other hand, has a much narrower focus with it largely being based around the events surrounding one man. This is quite rare from Clancy and the plotline has the potential to be compressed without too much being lost. Contrast this with most of the other films, I mean, take Clear and Present Danger, that's a fantastic novel, but it simply isn't possible to cram all that into a film, it was crazy, you ended up getting the wrong FBI guy killed I think (Dan....something) and Ryan was there in the motorcade as well. The Hunt for Red October is a bit more of a focussed novel and that worked well as a film.
Christ, when you consider that The Sum of All Fears - arguably the most boring of Clancy's works, IMO - into a film, it seems strange that WR hasn't got a look in as yet.