I think to say that people overspend these days is a little unfair. These are things (broadband, phone, car) which are probably on the poverty list if you dont have them.
Compare to your nan and grandads generation.
No phones.
No computers.
Tv? three channels maybe?
No automatic washing machines.
Woman stayed at home to bring up kids most likely.
No long distance commutes.
Go to work, come home, eat and sleep. Pub on a friday. Paid weekly in cash. That was their life.
Holiday was a coach trip to blackpool.
Safe to send your kid to go play in the street. It didnt matter what trainers they had. holes in clothes didnt matter.
Didnt need brand name prams and car seats.
Huge inter war and post war housebuilding programme.
House cost £10k or they got a council house. Yeah wages were lower but their life was as i described.
Take a look at what you could really do without these days if you have a job and a commute and want to do more than rot in your bedroom for 10+ years.
Exactly, simpler, cheaper times. The problem with preaching to those not 'on the ladder' to cut back on frivolities and scrimp and save for a deposit is that modern life makes it extremely tough to do so; there is a social (media) pressure to be keeping up with those who are much more spendthrift and careless with their money - the always out partying, on holiday, latest iDevice, car on PCP generation. If you try and cut back to try and save any meaningful amount as a deposit, you can end up sitting at home with few friends and little enjoyment in life.