Borderlands 3

I am! Got my code now, will install after work.

I have a feeling I will be leaving work early today, very early, like I can't think about work anymore now...
I've been reading all the newsletters to get the VIP points. It's got a vibe of Mass Effect 2 about it for me right now.
So in BL1 we had New Haven farming, in BL2 it was altering a cfg file for unlimited gold keys, and TPS you could farm RedBelly for easy XP and items.

I wonder what people will discover in BL3 :p
Never played a BL game before but I really like what I'm seeing so far. I think I'll buy this, can't decide on which character I am playing first though. They all seem fun.
I was going with FL4K but looks like Zane for me as well. That shield might come in very handy if it's as good as Athena's was.
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