Borderlands 3

oh really? what disappointed you? I've hreard little in the way of bad feedback so far

Well the first 2 classes i tried felt frustratingly incoherent the first 10+ levels. Currently playing siren and that does feel a whole lot better and the gameplay has improved a lot after getting past the first 2 zones/planets/areas. That said I still doesnt feel the game is worth the 45 pounds I paid for it. I laughed a lot at the random crazy talk in the first and second(didnt play presequel) with my favorite being cl4ppy. This time around he just annoys me to no end. Maybe i'm just getting older and the humor is lost on me, that might be entirely possible.
Could be the older thing, I've honestly not noticed much difference in the humour. Then again its been a long time since I last played Borderlands 1 or 2, so maybe I'm just thinking that I remember the humour being like that, plus to be fair the fact that I really like Vaughn indicates where my humour is at :)

£45 will mean that it needs to be either exceptional if shorter than 45 hours (ie. Alien Isolation) or it needs to hit 45 hours played so that it meets my £ per hour criteria for me to say it was worth the asking price. So far, it looks like I will easily hit the 45 hour mark, so alls good.
Here's Digital Foundry's quick analysis of PC settings. It seems the game isn't as polished as it could be on any platform. I don't know what Gearbox are typically like at patching improvements as I've always joined the Borderlands party late when the GotY editions came out.

Hey guys, so I don't really want to read through 48 pages on this thread to find out my 1 and only questions answer. Is this worth buying? I don't usually pay this much for games, it is damn expensive at £37.50 cheapest I can find on fleabay. Is it worth buying?
Hey guys, so I don't really want to read through 48 pages on this thread to find out my 1 and only questions answer. Is this worth buying? I don't usually pay this much for games, it is damn expensive at £37.50 cheapest I can find on fleabay. Is it worth buying?

Well thats a bit of a subjective question though isnt it. You will get as many people in the thread answering yes its worth buying as you do answering no its not worth buying.

IMO, its very much worth buying, its great gunplay, awesome weapons and brilliant fun on multiplayer. However, I am one who is not suffering from performance issues or resolution oddities so its all been good for me. Other people who are encountering those issues will of course have a much different opinion and will probably say that because of the performance issues and resolution issues they are getting , its not worth buying.

So there really isnt any exact answer to the straight question of is it worth buying (I suppose much the same as any game, movie, book, tv show, sport...well, anything that involves an opinion really :D )
Been very disappointed with the first 13-15 levels of the game however now that more interesting guns are dropping and talent points are plenty enough to make an impact (around 17+) things start to get very crazy and i'm finally enjoying myself a bit. Ohh and a certain explosives expert is still pretty nuts, he/she makes me chuckle.
have they solved the problems with the Skill Trees? Well, not really problems as such, but, for the last two Borderlands games there were lots of skill choices, but at the end of the day for each Character there was only a couple of builds that made sense. There were a lot of skills that were completely useless or so specific as to be next to useless.

What I would like is that each skill is actually useful. That you have to actually have to make a choice, neither choice is bad, just different. That you can customize the player to what you want not limiting yourself to a few builds because that's all that really works and everybody ending up with nearly the exact same build.

I might be asking the impossible here.
I decided long ago to wait the 6 months for the steam release.

Not gonna lie... Really struggling, might fold.

I love getting caught up in the hype and mystery of new releases, I'm not sure the benefit of sticking to my principles is worth waiting 6 months anymore....



I'll decide tomorrow...

Quick one line summery from those playing now if you would be so kind?

BL2 but bigger and better?

Yep BL2 but bigger, better and more beautiful.

Give in... resistance is futile!
Ohh and a certain explosives expert is still pretty nuts, he/she makes me chuckle.
Yes! Very pleased to hear that, I love Tiny Tina.

at the end of the day for each Character there was only a couple of builds that made sense. There were a lot of skills that were completely useless or so specific as to be next to useless.

What I would like is that each skill is actually useful. That you have to actually have to make a choice, neither choice is bad, just different. That you can customize the player to what you want not limiting yourself to a few builds because that's all that really works and everybody ending up with nearly the exact same build.

I've never ascribed to this. Even in PvP I can't be bothered with it, and in PvE it surely makes even less sense? Who cares what is most effective? Pick the stuff that sounds more fun or more interesting to you. I haven't played BL3 yet, but in BL2 I would regularly re-build my characters based on what bonuses new mods gave me, trying the different trees and adapting my play style accordingly. Some were clearly more fragile, and some less effective. But it was fun learning to play the character differently.
Hey guys, so I don't really want to read through 48 pages on this thread to find out my 1 and only questions answer. Is this worth buying? I don't usually pay this much for games, it is damn expensive at £37.50 cheapest I can find on fleabay. Is it worth buying?

Yes I think it's very gooda will only get better. The guns are pretty awesome.
I want massive skill trees that you can actually work towards filling up completely. They did this in Kingdoms of Amalur and Middle Earth Shadow Of War, and it's awesome. For a loot and level game, it's great to "collect" all the skills and powers and become a totally overpowered character with all the bells and whistles as the game progresses. Don't make me choose a certain skill set, just let me choose in what order all these skill are assembled. Let me have 'em all!
I found the resolution fix.

go into properties from the BL3 exe. Go to compatibility, change high DPI settings and then set the high DPI scaling override to application.

This keeps it in the resolution in the one you choose without the hidden downscaling.
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