I long since stopped caring what IMDB or reviews say, everyone is different and has different tastes and things they like and dislike. Sometimes I find it enjoyable to put on a really cheesy "naff" film and just chill out to it. Might not be oscar worthy but I get enjoyment from those sorts of films when I am in the mood for them, I love old black and white B movies from the 40s and 50s for example "demon from beyond" , Quatermass trilogy and stuff about giant ants in the desert etc. Cheesy, naff, "bad" films but when you're in the mood for kicking back to them, still enjoyable. For me, stuff like Alone in the Dark, Silent Hill, Doom, Resident Evil etc are in that category and if I get the enjoyment from the film (if Im in the right mood for them) , I cant declare them to be ****
(Though I'd never judge them on a review score still because I dont care what other people think of a film, only whether I enjoy it, so I'd definitely not avoid a film or tv show on scores.)