
Anyone want to form a little co-op group at midnight and get started?
You can find me on xfire, and I have a mic if we want to use TS or Vent.
unlucky drunkenmaster :(
I'm a level 26 Soldier now, had two orange rank Combat Rifles. One was pretty pants, good damage but poor accuracy, poor rate of fire. Special feature was a massive clip (105 before skills!)

The one i'm currently using is a three shot burst design, great damage, very accurate, scoped, fast reload and it regens ammo passively. It's a great all-rounder, the three shot burst is amazing for headshots.

I'd have liked a fully auto design, but I'm happy for now.

Main problem is, I've gotten loads of "decent" combat rifles, but the system seems broken for randomising Combat rifle stats. The max damage is hardly massive considering I've yet to see one with above a 2X rating for whatever elemental damage it does and very very rare those are, didn't find a single "decent" rifle with more than a 1x rating and a normal effect chance with plenty of purples and a couple yellows/oranges aswell, and frankly a great elemental gun of any kind with crap normal damage, will pawn any normal gun with great damage but no elemental effect.

Infact the most useful weapon I got wasa 68 damage repeater, but with simly ludicrous elemental effects, had a red writing effect that gave it massive explosive damage, aswell as a 4x fire effect which was also had a very high chance on it. With basic mag increases it had 26 shots and well, often took 1-2 hits to take out any normal mob, harder mobs not much more, uber hard mobs, half a clip.

Also got just, loads, absolutely loads of revolvers with massive elemental effect damage and 300-350 damage, and a scope, and decent sized clips, hit harder than a shotty, with the range and accuracy of a sniper rifle with the clip size of a repeater. Thing being I got loads and loads of them and threw loads away, well sold. Also had one of those awesome revolvers with multiple bullets, also scoped, no elemental but it was like 105x7 bullets, with a 12 clip with mods. Again as accurate as a rifle, stronger than any shotty I found by a massive margin with as big a clip.

I think other people are finding the same thing as all over everyones calling hunters massively overpowered, I think largely because they can specialise in revolvers, and revolvers seem to get the best drops in the game.

I might play through once more, maybe the game is better tuned for levels, quest, enemy, yourself on the second play coming up to lvl 50, can only hope. The first play through almost everything I did after the first 4-5 levels, was trivial/easy, which is a shame, even more so as the level of you vs the enemy is ridiculously important in this game. Hardest enemy in the game one level higher, impossible, same level do-able, one below pretty easy, 2 below and its a joke.

Its a shame because it is so fun to play, but with soo soo many FPSRPG's they got the leveling curve, enemies and pacing all wrong. Stalker/Bioshock come to mind, games that start off hard and very quickly become cake walks, they take the upgrading the character part of an RPG but forget to upgrade the enemies. yes they get better guns and the odd combo of enemies will randomly have a shield spanking and a health spanking effect. But they need to scale up the enemies, to do extra damage with guns like you do, plus the AI was nothing fancy at all.

Its one or two patches away from being one of the best games made to date, some tweaking to the difficulty, more random gun dropping system that doesn't favour any gun, useful rocket launchers and you're onto a winner. People are also saying the PC version has massive issues with connecting to other comps which sounds bad :(

I'm also obviously missing the point of loot in this game, on one playthrough, by myself, with no reloading to respawn the loot chests(which rather defeats the purpose, with many of the best bosses dropping nothing interesting and most of the best guns available in chests), I got a couple dozen oranges/yellows, shedloads of purples and blues, its not hard to find a good gun.
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Duelling wise the Bezerker is very much OP. Would be interesting to see the devs create some form of dungeons through matchmaking? Interesting concept would take a long time to create mind :(
Well obviously i will play it when i get up, i suppose i should have wondered whether to just go to bed now and wait or not, seen as it is 15mins away i guess i shall wait lol.

Is this game going to be more fun sp or coop?
Is this game going to be more fun sp or coop?

I'd like to know that too - what have most people been playing so far?

I would imagine it will be a lot more fun co-op as it has been designed from the ground up as a co-op game. Might have a little peek before bed if its out at midnight and will definitely be up for a game tomoz :)
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