
I can't get on with the graphics of this game... makes my eyes hurt :S

How so? It's one of the best looking games on the PC at the moment imo. I play it on a 37" LCD TV and it blows me away at time. I appeciate it's not technically as brilliant as some things out there but it is brilliantly executed.

...Though my TV is at the end of my bed and it does burn the old eyes when you look at the sun. That's realism though surely?
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Updating through Steam now. If you have standalone then there is a exe on the site. Cba to link to it as you should all have it on Steam :p

We'll all be laughing at you when you try and sell it :)

Retail version downloads the patch for you too anyway :p
It is a brilliant game, one of the best games i've played this year also. The first patch has just finished downloading for me... lets hope they have fixed the timeout problem they are having online...
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