Anyone else been having post-patch problems?
I now get horizontal black lines related to dynamic shadows covering my screen. There were no problems before and I'm furious that Gearbox have screwed this for me.
Any news on the zombie downloadable content there meant to be releasing?
Only time I've ever seen a timeout online is due to ports not being forwarded.
Yeah, but I don't think I'd mind as much if my guy auto picked up money, and maybe ammo "pulsed" or flashed that I can actually use, I spend far too much time running around trying to pick everything upalso does anyone else think there's TOO MUCH loot in this game? it's like i'm forever opening boxes!
Hi all, found this tweak program last night, really handy, saves messing about in the txt files
- add a "fix connexion timeout" option *
Managed to finally get the game playing well whilst using Dynamic Shadows, basically just involved renaming the Borderlands.exe file to Bioshock.exe, and adding a -dx9 switch to the shortcut.
Also does anyone understand the -x% recoil reduction? (notice the minus). I have two pistols, one has minus 79% recoil reduction and the other has no stat affecting recoil reduction - yet they both appear to kick-back just as much as the other does?
'-79% recoil reduction' or '+79% recoil reduction'?
Recoil is when your target reticle gets larger with each shot, decreasing the accuracy.
The faster the recoil reduction (+), the quicker the reticle reverts back to it's original size.
should I get this on the PC or Xbox 360?