
I'm on the second playthrough at the moment, got the DLC, and had a question for anyone who has played the additional areas..

What sort of difficulty are they? By that I mean to say are they possible to play as soon as you unlock the fast travel, or should they only be approached when the game is nearly complete?
I'm on the second playthrough at the moment, got the DLC, and had a question for anyone who has played the additional areas..

What sort of difficulty are they? By that I mean to say are they possible to play as soon as you unlock the fast travel, or should they only be approached when the game is nearly complete?

t'd save a bit of running around (I haven't unlocked fast travel in PT2 yet), but still doable. Tankensteins are awesome.
may i ask why is it soo hard in this game to kill stuff?! i mean i used ALL my weapons and ammo on one enemy and had to fall back as this didnt do enough and by the time i had found some replacement ammo its health had gone back up?!! is there something im missing in terms of like damage enhancers? as i cant see myself completing this game any time soon!!
It depends what level the enemies are. If they are equal or lower to you, then they will be a doddle to kill. A couple of levels above and you should manage but any higher than that (indicated by a skull next to their energy bar) and you will be in some trouble. Unless you are a badass mofo.
its the bit just before getting to a boss for some mine key and there like this badass brusier and im like duck and covering and simply run out of ammo before i can kill him!! so annoying cus i go back and by the time i return his healths returned and i can get by :(
Shoot him in the head!

Some of the badass guys at higher levels are pretty tough, but by the end of the first playthrough I was killing them with 1/2 headshots from my sniper rifle.

As I remember the badass bruisers are pretty damn slow, and use shotguns the majority of the time, so they're much easier from a decent distance :)
im only level 12 and ive got like the burst fire combat rifle / rocket launcher and like an electric scatter gun (dont remember name)

and the bad ass brusier is lvl 18 :/ and after that theres the boss called the sledge or something, how can i win?>!!
Dude, you will find it nigh on impossible. You must go and do some side quests to gain XP and bring your level up to match. I forget what level Sledge is. One aspect of the levelling system is that weapon damage adjusts with respect to the levels. So your bullets will have little effect on a baddie 6 levels higher than you no matter what weapon you use. And likewise, his bullets will do much more damage to you.
i dunno what it is either? but ive been sent to kill it ! so il just head out and kill some of the wild dog things! reminds me of south park when they have to xp up to fight the guy in warkraft.. :P
Yeah, sledge would massacre you unless you've got a health regen shield and keep running around big items in the room so he can't fire at you.

Definately recommend you back away and kill some stuff and do some quests to level up first!
Might get some better kit doing so.

If you rush the game you'll find the last boss an absolute nightmare (as in impossible) unless you glitch it.
ah i see what you mean about searching about for stuff now ! found my self this explosive shotgun and some corrosive sniper and with 2 rounds managed to kill the boss ... ! im up to lvl 16 but managing to skill lvl 20 things now :)
Haha nice. Playing as a sniper can be frustrating but fun in borderlands.
Shame the Eridian sniper is so weak compared to the later sniper rifles though, IIRC my endgame sniper rifle's damage rating was about 250 points higher.

The corrosive sniper will be useful against those annoying alpha skags later!
yea the metador shotgun thing i have is beastly! getting through badass bruisers and baddass fire scags in less than one round each ! im still only lvl 16 but im sure later enemies will fair harder !
I found a lot of tough battles became much easier when I started spamming Lillith's phasewalk skill. Get the points into cooldown reduction and slap on a fast recharge shield, it'll recharge to full before your phasewalk ends - then you can melee em to the head and phaseblast to boot. I can't see the other skills being quite as useful as phasewalk, but I'll have to see.

I spent ages with combat rifles too, before I realised when I play through again (likely as soldier) I'll be using those, so I switched to SMGs but I was lv 30 before the skills equalled out, and I'm still about 4 levels ahead with shotguns. My problem now is finding a decent SMG, the one I have is respectable but no element - if I can find an incendiary SMG, I'll be laughing. What this game really needs is a crafting system.


yea the metador shotgun thing i have is beastly! getting through badass bruisers and baddass fire scags in less than one round each ! im still only lvl 16 but im sure later enemies will fair harder !

I never liked the matadors, I much prefer the close-burst shotguns. Anything with less than 70% accuracy is instant vendor trash.
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I found the Eridian weapons to be quite useless. Three shots and then a lengthy recharge? Useless frankly.

Level up your Eridian weapon skill and accuracy and recharge time is shrunk. That sniper rifle was a goddamn godsend a few times when I ran out of ammo, especially with the +critical hit damage multipliers I had running. The Eridian Cannon did seem a bit rubbish though :)

My best sniper rifle was non elemental, but almost (99.1%?) pinpoint accuracy, and a damage rating of approx 400, combined with tresspass. Makes a lot of mess, as I crit most things my level for about 2-3k. :D
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I never liked the matadors, I much prefer the close-burst shotguns. Anything with less than 70% accuracy is instant vendor trash.

I'm inclined to agree, but as I use my Combat Rifle and Sniper mostly (Soldier), I find Seldge's uber damage shottie great as a second wind weapon on PT2.

Mine does 136x11(x2) so 3k damage, enough for any smaller mob up close when you are down. :)
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