Bored? Watch a sandwich go mouldy

How do you convert the original image to the well presented image that shows on the website? I see it's drawing from a photo that shows the display table etc.

Not much really. The camera is capturing RAW+JPG to a laptop connected via USB. I've got WinSCP keeping a remote folder up-to-date between the local folder and the server, uploading JPGs only. This has got contrast(1.3) applied to it via CSS and a box-shadow vignette to basically get rid of the edge of the glass cutting board that it's on; something that'll be done in post on the raw images anyway.

It's display as full page background image which is fairly standard.

You can view/any of the original JPGs and you'll see the cutting board etc. for example is the latest, just reduce the number down to 00003 for the first and any number in between for a partway one.
Went to make some toast at the weekend and this was the state of the leftover bread from making the sandwich:


So yeah, I dunno. Can bread go mouldy when it's stale? Surely with more time?

I'm also worried that the LED lights may be prohibiting growth or actively killing any mould.
What bread did you use? I think McDonalds would be interested in finding out :p

I know right. It was just a loaf of Kingsmill from Aldi. Not sure what's happened to the bottom though, it's been sucked right in. We were planning to run it for 3 weeks until it went mouldy but looks like we'll need to carry it on...!
Yeah, it's over. But the timelapse works. We'll likely work on the mould in post rather than going again for another 3 weeks.

The thing was rock solid and light as a feather at the end, and did actually have mould on the bottom and inside. When we dropped it on the floor (outside!) it just split into 4 like ice.
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