BOTW Weekly Results Round F - Fruit (Prize Round Too).

What was you beer like timmeh?

I'm hoping it will make its way over here soon with the rest of them.

It was interesting. I hated it when I took my first sip but by the time I'd finished it I was ready for another. It's got a real tangy flavor to it, definitely a beer to drink in the sun, not really a winter beer.

I'd send you some but I'm not sure how sending alcohol overseas works, and it'd cost a bloody fortune.
It was interesting. I hated it when I took my first sip but by the time I'd finished it I was ready for another. It's got a real tangy flavor to it, definitely a beer to drink in the sun, not really a winter beer.

I'd send you some but I'm not sure how sending alcohol overseas works, and it'd cost a bloody fortune.

Thanks for the offer, but yes, it would cost you a fortune :p

I swap beers with friends in the US and it usually costs them 3 times more for shipping than it does for me.

I'll wait and see if it shows up with the rest of the Sierra beers.
Woohoo I got a vote \o/

Even it it was my own :p

To be quite honest I purchased my beer with the hope of full points and I'm happy to achieve that after a few previous rounds with low points. Not really looking forward to sampling my "Lemon Beer" but I'll pop a post in the La Cuisine "Now Drinking" thread with a small write up ;)

Yes, I realise you can dig in to botanical definitions to argue almost anything about x being classified as y etc. but for all intents and purposes in in common parlance, coffee is in no way a fruit. Next time you host a dinner part or appear on 'come dine with me', serve a 'fruit salad' for dessert and lob some coffee beans on there... It will make for some intersting conversation! Lol maybe you can ask if they would like to finish with a 'fruit juice' when you in fact mean coffee.... Coffee is fruit right? So shame on them if they get the wrong end of the stick!
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