Boy who stabbed teenager caught burgling his mother's house is charged with murder

Sure, but you get enough time to think 'if I insert this inside their flesh it's probably going to kill them'. You don't really do that unless you're a little bit evil. There's a difference between waving a knife at a 14 year old because you're intimidated and plunging it into his body.

You might be some kind of navy seal but i'm sure that most people when forced into a situation where someone is invading thier home would go into a state of immense fear. In such a state they would act and react in an impared manner, not thinking things through logically as we have the opportunity to do while sitting browsing a forum.

That being said, we dont have many facts here so it is really pointless to try and deliver judgement on what happened, who was in the wrong and to what degree.
There's something wrong if convicting a man for defending his home against those with ill-intent is considered reasonable. Yes there is leeway here, but I mean in the literal sense: if someone broke into your house with the intent to damage/steal, then it is simply wrong if a man is convicted for doing what is natural i.e. defending his property.

As said, there's probably more to it. But at the end of the day, he didn't exactly tie up the lads and enact some horrible revenge on them did he? If you came home to find two teenage boys rummaging through your house, you don't know who they are, what they're capable of or indeed, even if they're armed themselves. You do what you can in those situations to defend both yourself and your home. From the sounds of it, the boy was stabbed after a scuffle - it really does depend on the circumstances surrounding the scuffle. Did the boy try and run or did they/he attack the man first? Did the man pick up the knife with deliberate intent to harm or was it merely as a precaution and a means of controling the situation?

Anyway, similar threads have been done to death and I'm sure most of us know the arguments by now. As such, I'm going to withold judgement until more facts come to light. As mentioned, this is the Daily Fail we're talking about here.
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See, loads of questions :p I'm pretty sure the CPS don't just charge people for a laugh or because they are bored, and equally that every one of the questions is probably answered in a forensic report or statement somewhere.

Maybe something doesn't add up? Maybe there were a dozen stab wounds etc etc

Hence my point that waiting till the verdict is far more important if you really want to get your :mad: on, and certainly that the Daily Mail's 'version' of events is far from trustworthy - I'd be surprised if the photo of the boy is even the right person, lol
First thoughts? This:

That there is probably far more to the story than the Daily Fail has let on, and that as with any court case, the verdict is far more important than the opening.
But, as far as I'm concerned, one less burglar in the world is always a good thing.
This bit is particularly vindictive by the CPS:

District Judge John Stobart said he was taking the 'rare decision' to grant bail because of Roberts' flawless record of reporting for bail since March.

But he agreed to remand him in custody at least until tomorrow after the prosecution said it wanted to appeal against the decision.
There's something wrong if convicting a man for defending his home against those with ill-intent is considered reasonable.

Don't be absurd, this is the UK.
This is the place where 'rights' don't allow for any sence or personal discretion anymore.

This is the place where we need to lobby our MPs to change the laws, until thats done, this is and will remain a case of murder.
Don't get me wrong, I think burgulars should all have the right to be stabbed, I think if someone breaks into my house i should have the right to deter/detain/defend against them in any form I choose, my house, my rights. Unfortunately our elected officials think something completely different and for more than 30 years there has been no cohesive action from them to lobby for change or present bills allowing for changes to the current law.

Its hard to argue that he didn't use ''it was believed he used 'excessive and gratuitous force''' when the other person is dead from stab wounds. The law should eb changed to come into line with that of the US. That needs to happen first.

Hope he gets off, might set a nice precendence for the law to be changed.
Hence my point that waiting till the verdict is far more important if you really want to get your :mad: on

I wonder if Mr Roberts, spending his first night in prison, agrees that the verdict is the only important part of this case.
I'd like some more information before I could make a decision on this, primarily whether Mr Juett had ceased to be a threat or if Mr Roberts had reasonable cause for believing self defence was appropriate.
id trust the court/police over the mail. for all we know the lad could be known locally as a total **** whos been in trouble with the law many times before for things like this

or of course he could be a quiet lad with a clean record who did it by accident

until we know then its best to keep him away from the public...
I swear they play games with these sorts of things, like little attempts at social engineering.

These CPS from all other reports of their behaviour, are like crazy people whom exist in wonderland, or attack dogs that just see something weak.

I'd love to know how they work behind the scenes, see there thinking behind these repeated decisions. But of course they arent elected or beholden to anyone but the whims of their own decisions it seems. They always say we did this because it was in the best interests of the public. I dont think any of their decisions are based on reasonable logical criteria.
If the burglar died of one stab wound and the kid gets done for murder then there is something wrong, seriously wrong with our justice system.
If however the burglar was akin to a colander after said attack, then the kid deserves the book thrown at him!
You might be some kind of navy seal but i'm sure that most people when forced into a situation where someone is invading thier home would go into a state of immense fear. In such a state they would act and react in an impared manner, not thinking things through logically as we have the opportunity to do while sitting browsing a forum.

That being said, we dont have many facts here so it is really pointless to try and deliver judgement on what happened, who was in the wrong and to what degree.

In the UK there are 0.0140633 murders per 1,000 people. I think people are forgetting the fact that murder is a resort only used by murderers. You're deliberately ending someone's life, he didn't slip on his knife and kill himself. 733,000 burglaries are committed every year in the UK, how many of which do you think involved 'immense fear'? Let alone the thousands of other circumstances (mugging, assault etc) in which an individual faces 'immense fear'.

Fear is not a valid excuse for taking life, in nearly any context. If you are threatened with your own or someone else's life in a serious manner then there are laws to protect you.
A friend of mine had a releative charged with attempted murder.

He spotted someone trying to break into his car and confronted him, punched him - the guy fell on his own knife, and the police charged him with attempted murder....

Was thrown out of court fairly early on, but imagine how messed up you would be thinking you may actually go down for this.....
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