Boy who stabbed teenager caught burgling his mother's house is charged with murder

If the burglar died of one stab wound and the kid gets done for murder then there is something wrong, seriously wrong with our justice system.
If however the burglar was akin to a colander after said attack, then the kid deserves the book thrown at him!

Even if the burglar died of one stab wound it might still be murder, if the homeowner did not have reasonable apprehension that they were in danger or the burglar was running away etc then stabbing them is not a self defence situation and should not be treated as such. It might be understandable in many ways but it cannot and should not be condoned.
he did wrong, as if they were coming in through the window, then he should have held it open for them to squeeze through, and also give them a hand carrying stuff out etc...
Would like a bit more information but im generally of the opinion that you forfeit your rights if you break into someones home.
fear is a valid reason for reacting without thinking

It's an irrelevant statement, there's not a situation where your absence of thought makes you kill someone. 'I didn't think to pick up my car keys' 'I didn't think to judo chop him and drop him to the floor', not 'I didn't think to not kill him'. Primal instinct kicks in, but in even the most vicious of us it doesn't cause you to kill someone. Even in animals they will normally bite out of fear, but not a kill shot.
dont know all the facts(none really :p) on this story....but who wouldnt pick up a weapon if they were awoken by noises downstairs in their own home.

especially if you have other family members living with you..wife + kids.
I think that if he has been charged and going to court there is more to the story than we know.

exactly. You can use reasonable force even if it's just a perceived threat. Wouldn't be surprised if he chased the burglars or stabbed them in the back or something like that.
In the UK there are 0.0140633 murders per 1,000 people. I think people are forgetting the fact that murder is a resort only used by murderers. You're deliberately ending someone's life, he didn't slip on his knife and kill himself. 733,000 burglaries are committed every year in the UK, how many of which do you think involved 'immense fear'? Let alone the thousands of other circumstances (mugging, assault etc) in which an individual faces 'immense fear'.

Fear is not a valid excuse for taking life, in nearly any context. If you are threatened with your own or someone else's life in a serious manner then there are laws to protect you.

Dont agree with that one bit mate. And having a degree in forensic science i've done a little reading on the subject.

If someone comes into your house tonight and theoretically tried to stab you, are you going to block the blow with a shield made of "laws"?

In a perfect world your ideals would be just that but in the real world there are so many factors that could have influenced his decision to stab the intruders that its not even worth arguing whether it was warranted or not without knowing the relevant facts.
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Dont agree with that one bit mate. If someone comes into your house tonight and theoretically tried to stab you, are you going to block the blow with a shield made of "laws"?

Indeed. Self defence is not murder if the force used is proportionate to the threat you are under.

It's killing, but it's not murder.
It sound like he slashed him and the skinny little rat didn't have enought meat on his bones to protect them all important blood vessels. Kids shouldn't brake into houses hell slap it into him.

Says it cut vital arteries in his chest, which is protected by your ribcage, sounds like a definite stabbing rather than a slashing, it wouldn't matter how much meat you had on you, that could kill anyone.

Self defence is fine, beating the **** out of them is even ok much of the time. But ending someones life is a massive decision, I can't believe that some of you think that all burglers deserve to be shot! As far as crimes go, there are far worse.

I wonder if everyones opinions would be different if it was the 14 year old that was killed?
I can't believe that some of you think that all burglers deserve to be shot! As far as crimes go, there are far worse.


especially when young kids and teens are often forced into burglary by older teens/adults. for example kids as young as 11 who get thrown in through windows so they can go unlock the doors etc
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