Hellsmk2 said:I like Kit Kats too. I've missed them for years along with Aero, but the future of millions of people is far more worthwhile than my craving for a chocolate, especially when there are alternatives.
penski said:We won't kill the planet. I don't subscribe to that kind of doom-mongering.
The planet can take care of itself; it's already seen worse than what we've done to it and what we could feasibly do to it.
penski said:I refuse to indulge in the rhetoric spouted by pretentious, hypocritical little oiks who whinge about Nike, Nestle, P&G et cetera whilst simultaneously reaping the benefits of their commercial indulgences, sipping their coffee, reading the Guardian, professing that they care so much about so many causes (after all, they filled out that anti-Starbucks petition online didn't they?) and heaving neither the wherewithall nor the testicular fortitude to actually do something for the causes they purport to support.
Bunch of ****ing scum.
-|ScottFree|- said:Plus there is no way he's giving up his Cheese and Branston Pickle sandwiches his mother makes him for his packed lunch!!
The real reason for the rant
Nope.UOcUK Poopscoop said:Penski, do you think faster than light travel is achievable?
Just wondered because I believe the worlds scientists are eagerly watching this thread in the hope you can give them a bit of a pointer.![]()
Efour2 said:Planets dont really survive continental drift. Without it, it would be an indication they would already be dead or dying. So it is really quite the opposite.
But It will survive whatever we can throw at it..."The Planet" Won't survive the sun going supa nova in a few 100 million/ 1 billion whatever it is years time.
You dont really belive in a collective conciousness malarky do you?
Thats almost as silly as beliving in God.![]()