Breaking Bad Season 4

Yes I see that but I am not sure if it was meant to be that way. Ambiguous.

The more I think about it the more I don't think it was intentional. I think they'd have made more of that scene, showing the intent, if it was going to go down that way.
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Yeah Gus and Mike have some respect for Jesse now and have done for some time from what I can see. This thought is affirmed when mike says at the table that either they all leave together or none of them at all. That and Gus' previous interest in Jesse.
I really don't know wether to sympathise with Gus or not.

Seeing what happened to his prodigy in the past and how it has led to business now, you kind of feel for the guy.

But he is a criminal... :p
I really don't know wether to sympathise with Gus or not.

Seeing what happened to his prodigy in the past and how it has led to business now, you kind of feel for the guy.

But he is a criminal... :p

There's criminal :rolleyes:
And then there's criminal :cool:

Gus is the latter :p
Amazing amazing ep. As soon as Gus took that pill and I saw the bottle I knew what was coming though.

But as ever, always ends with a huge cliff hanger.
Best episode of BB by a country mile.

Having a threesome with Beyonce, Jessica Alba and that chick from Mad Men wouldn't equal to how amazing and awesome this episode was.

Gus is now the best charecter on the show. It used to be Hank in the first few seasons but they have really made Gus into legend. He will go down as one of the scariest "villians" in tv history.

The only thing that sucked was the skylar part with Ted. I don't see where this is going. They could really do without and just focus on Jesse and Walt. Talking about Walt, that was a convincing breakdown he had infront of his son. I knew it was coming.

Savour this series while its still on the air, guys. Nothing like this is coming along anytime soon. 3 more episodes to go and 1 more season and its over.

Everyone over at the tv forums are freaking out as well for this episode .............
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lol anyone seen these?


That was awesome.

From next week's promo it looks like Hank is back, I can see that adding whole new layer of "oh-****!" mounting through the closing episodes!

I'm fully expecting Walt to try and bail on this messy enterprise he's created. But can't help wonder how ill Gus is, I question whether or not he survives for another season.
Walt continues to be a staggeringly complex character. He's still the best character on the show by a good long way. Superbly written and acted.

That was an excellent episode. I'm so glad we're only getting five seasons of it.
It's a shame this season came out later than the previous ones, as Bryan Cranston would have fully deserved a fourth Emmy running. He's been immense this season.
Yeah fantastic episode, once again they confounded me completely! I totally expected the cartel story to drag on into s5, with Jessie being in Mexico for a good part of that, but instead they tie it up in an episode and a half!:D Other, lesser series, would've stretched that out into 2 seasons of mawkish melodrama!

Gus is now the best charecter on the show. It used to be Hank in the first few seasons but they have really made Gus into legend. He will go down as one of the scariest "villians" in tv history.
Totally! It's how deferential and meek he looks 99% of the time that makes him so scary, you simply have no idea at all when he's going to break out into violence. Plus, the utter calm and professionalism with which he conducts said violence, even taking off his jacket and folding it neatly, I can imagine him acting in the exact same way when he rolls up his sleeves to show his employees how to fry up some chicken in his fast food joined! :D As completely the opposite of Tuco as you could get!

Seems he's the main villain now though, so unless they introduce a new one he's almost certain to survive. We know there'll be a 5th season so they've got to have a huge threat hanging over their heads. My vote is on Hank definitely getting offed in the last episode of this season though. Poor fat *******, he and Gayle were the only fundamentally decent human beings in this whole series!:p

I really wish I hadn't heard that it was renewed, then I would have had no idea what to expect! :(

The only thing that sucked was the skylar part with Ted. I don't see where this is going.
I totally know where this is going, she WILL be forced to kill him and it'll give her more sympathy for Walt. And Ted will have had it coming because he's an idiot. A nice guy but an utter idiot! :D They can't possibly make him so infuriatingly naive and give him so many different chances only to let him survive in the end!

They could really do without and just focus on Jesse and Walt. Talking about Walt, that was a convincing breakdown he had infront of his son. I knew it was coming.
Damn yeah, I don't think I've ever seen him break down like that ever! For a moment there I was convinced he'd break down and tell Jr. everything!

Spoilery bit:
Who else caught the bit where he calls Jr. "Jessie" as he walks out of his bedroom?:D

/End spoilery bit

I still find Walt very sympathetic, you just can't help it, he spent his whole life being trodden on. I get why he's so obsessed with appearing strong and manly. I still think it's idiotic though, especially considering how careful he was in the first 2 seasons. Now he has to boast to his wife about having Gayle killed and is mortified of his son having seen him cry? I mean I get the motivation, but he's smart enough to know better.

My vote on how this all ends:
Walt crushes Mike's head with an ATM machine.
Hank catches Marie having an affair with Badger Mayhew (in his animal costume), whom she met in an Addicts Anonymous meeting in which she was unconvincingly pretending to be a Swedish supermodel addicted to designer drugs. Hank kills her (though Skinny Pete escapes by sliding down a drainpipe), and then rushes to Gus's restaurant to go all Rambo on him.
Gus calms his down with an offer of chicken, and uses poison in Hank's food and kills him. And Hector Salamanca's chicken. And Saul Goodman's chicken, who is, however, immune to it cause he's too toxic and noxious in his own right.
Jessie shoves Walt into one of their massive vats in the lab and dissolves him with acid.
Gus chokes on a chicken bone and dies while celebrating the demise of his enemies.
Walt Jr., who has figured this all out, shoots Jessie in the head and gives him massive brain damage, so he spends the rest of his life in Senor Hector Salamanca's wheelchair. Ding.
Walt Jr. then gets a job as Saul Goodman's new detective, replacing Mike, but eventually the guilt of shooting Jessie desroys him and he becomes a junkie and lives in a crack-house with his gay partner Lewis, who eventually crushes his head with an ATM machine.
Skyler remarries, to Saul Goodman, and she becomes the new kingpin, replacing Pollos Hermanos with a network of car wash places. Her meth cook is Badger Mayhew, who stole Gayle's lab notes from Hank's house.
Skinny Pete becomes an air traffic controller. That's gonna end well.
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