Breaking Bad Season 4

I had to check on thetvdb to make sure it wasn't the last episode! The last part of that episode was some of the best TV I've seen in a long while I think! :D

Yeah, they could have ended it there and it would have been a more satisfying ending than a lot of other shows ever reach. Crazy last 10 minutes. It's just like the last few episodes of season 3 where it suddenly ramped up big time in the last few episodes.

Are there only 2 left for season 4?
We don't know for sure what happened to Ted, probably because they aren't sure if he should be in the next season or not. I hope he's dead, I find him tedious. Maybe we will find out next episode.
I thought it was pretty obvious that Ted had died.

The plan was to sit with him for 2 days, why would they leave if he knocked himself out? Saul's concern further cemented this for me.

It looked to me as though the finger twitching was a way of showing him slowly dying. It also ends that story line quite well so they can concentrate on more important things.

Whilst they could have ended the series there I'm glad they didn't!
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He's obviously dead. If he had just knocked himself out they would have sat in the house with him for two days. Him knocked out, then when he woke up they would stay with him until the cheque clears.
**** just got real!


Interesting theory

Hank mentions Three Days of the Condor when he’s in the car with Walt. This is the third film reference, along with The French Connection and Rocky, he’s made where the ‘hero’ doesn’t quite win the day. Foreshadowing?
Hank mentions Three Days of the Condor when he’s in the car with Walt. This is the third film reference, along with The French Connection and Rocky, he’s made where the ‘hero’ doesn’t quite win the day. Foreshadowing?

aka how to spoil 3 films in the space of one line ;)
What made you think he had just been knocked out? There would have been no problem with Saul's plan if he had just knocked himself out.
His comedy tripping over the rug body slam, the twitching of his feet if I remember correctly, the lack of blood from his head hitting the desk or whatever the **** it was. I just assumed Saul's goons panicked and left the scene to avoid further trouble.
I just assumed Saul's goons panicked and left the scene to avoid further trouble.

I doubt they would do that. They had a job to do and were going to stay there untill it was done. I don't think criminals panic when they see someone knock themself out.

He is most certainly dead.
Don't want to ruin anything but the creators have said the last two episodes are going to be the two most extreme/crazy/intense episodes of breaking bad yet... and someone important in the story will die.

I think I just lost control of my bladder.

and if you really want to ruin the last two episodes.. feel free to read this.
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