Breaking Bad Season 5 - Part I

At first I was in agony that I'd have to wait a week for the next episode. Then I realised it's 10 months. I cried.
At first I was in agony that I'd have to wait a week for the next episode. Then I realised it's 10 months. I cried.

I would have much preferred Hank to find out via a slightly less contrived means (what the hell was he even doing in the master bathroom?) but it does set things up nicely for the second half of the season.

It will be a long wait but Boardwalk and to some extent The Walking Dead will have to tide me over. Hopefully Justified will also come back soon.

Oh and +1 to whoever brought The Shield up. Great show. Actually a pretty perfect example of why I support Breaking Bad only running 5 seasons though. The Shield was great but they definitely ran it a couple of seasons too long. It really ran out of steam in the last couple.
Oh and +1 to whoever brought The Shield up. Great show. Actually a pretty perfect example of why I support Breaking Bad only running 5 seasons though. The Shield was great but they definitely ran it a couple of seasons too long. It really ran out of steam in the last couple.

The Shield has probably the best ending to Amy show ever. The last half of season 7 is some of the best TV I've ever watched. Breaking Bad us now up there, but I'd still place The Shield above it. If it was based on this season alone though Breaking Bad would probably be top.
Not bothered about Sons of Anarchy, too many stupid ira stories now. Cant believe its still running. (imho). BB is amazing.
Whilst I now, personally, think Breaking Bad is the best TV show ever, sorry Sopranos, The Shield had the best end of season ending in any series ever......The Shield spoiler below.....

Shane killing Lem
I don't agree about The Shield. The ending was fine but the couple of seasons that went before it were pretty tired. I think it peaked somewhere around season 4. Still different folks and all that.

Incidentally any fans of Walton Goggins (Shane) from The Shield would do well to check out Justified. He plays the primary antagonist on the show and its pretty fantastic. Not quite as good as The Shield but still pretty great.
Okay here's my theory for the ending;

We've been told Walter does something so horrible that viewers wold hate him completely, and this goes hand in hand with the colour-relation theory of Holly always wearing pink (pink stuff dies on BB). My theory is Walter gets wise that Hank is on his tail, and orders a hit on Hank, who is looking after Holly at the time - resulting in collateral damage.
I dont think anything will happen to any of Walt's kids, I reckon he will kill Jesse at some point. Why would he be on the run on his own?
I think this could be possible. The writing is completely different for each note.

Much as I would love the irony of the note being from Gretchen, the above is simply not true. The hand-writing is clearly that of Gale Boetticher:


Even if it were from Gretchen, I don't think it would make a huge difference:

Hank is not going to confront Walt with the book directly - he'll just use his newfound hunch to investigate Walt independently. Which will/may lead him to Walt's true activities through one of the many loose ends.
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