Breastfeeding in restaurants

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8 Jan 2005
After reading this article posted on a friends facebook (posted by a mother) and all the rage filled comments it got me thinking.

Although I think Nigel Farage is an insufferable buffoon I can't help but think woman shouldn't openly breastfeed in a restuarant if the owner doesn't want a woman to expose herself potentially making a proportion of the other customers uncomfortable etc. surely they should be well within their rights to do so? I know breastfeeding is perfectly natural and have no issue with it in any other setting but I can't help but feeling if I went out for a restuarant with my family. and someone started breastfeeding on the table opposite it would make me uncomfortable. (It would'nt offend me and I would never complain as in the article, just more of a musing)

I'm guessing the large male proportion on here probably means we wont get a balanced view but what are peoples views?
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I don't really have a problem with it but if someone does then they should respect that and stop.

The "But it's natural" point doesn't really fly does it - if someone started having sex in the middle of a restaurant is that ok because it's natural? Deciding that the toilet is too far and they have to relieve themselves on the floor? It's ok because it's natural, right?
I don't care. Seen women pop their **** out to feed several times in various locations including a couple of times in restaurants. Babies gotta eat like the rest of us. And how prudish and wound up do you have to be that seeing a baby on a tit makes you uncomfortable.

Now changing babies at the table in a restaurant. I've seen that happen before and it's disgusting.
I don't really have a problem with it but if someone does then they should respect that and stop.

I don't think they should respect that, it's discrimination. If people find it offensive it's their issue no one else, of needed we need a law to protect breast feeding in public, would be a shame if such a law is needed though.
I don't really have a problem with it but if someone does then they should respect that and stop.

The "But it's natural" point doesn't really fly does it - if someone started having sex in the middle of a restaurant is that ok because it's natural? Deciding that the toilet is too far and they have to relieve themselves on the floor? It's ok because it's natural, right?

Your comparing the naturalism (is that even a word?) of a helpless newborn feeding off their mother who is providing for their child to two adults having sex - are you for real? Jesus
Ok to put a slight twist on the question, should restuarants be able to refuse entry to babies to prevent screaming etc which might spoil the atmosphere? (not my personal view just a question)
I don't think they should be forced to stop. I think people should be considerate towards the feelings of others and if at all possible do things that make them uncomfortable in private. If they don't, people should be able to get over it and get on with their day, it'd just be nice if people considered the feelings of others. I'm not agreeing with Farage, I wouldn't like people to feel like that have to go and sit in a corner, but if asked or made aware that people aren't happy with it, I think it's only fair to respect that.
Meh - there are plenty of activities which are potentially bothersome when you take the decision to venture out into the great wide world of the public but that's just a risk you take. Personally I find people taking multiple pictures of every dish or talking/texting on mobile phones during a meal to be far more annoying than a mother breastfeeding but I doubt we'll see owners marching those folks out or into a corner so they don't bother me. :p
I don't really have a problem with it but if someone does then they should respect that and stop.

I don't think they should be forced to stop. I think people should be considerate towards the feelings of others and if at all possible do things that make them uncomfortable in private. If they don't, people should be able to get over it and get on with their day, it'd just be nice if people considered the feelings of others.

You said they should stop so which is it?
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