Breastfeeding in restaurants

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I have absolutely no problem with mothers breastfeeding in public, restaurant or otherwise. Socially acceptable and natural in my eyes.
[TW]Fox;27309815 said:
Continuing my theme of picking up on silly analogies this one isn't very good either because most restaurants do not allow you to bring your own food to eat :p

You can usually bring your own drink though - perhaps the mother can pay a corkage fee to the house. :D
Depends on quality of the mammary.
I don't really want to see it flopped on the table! :-P

Seriously.. Doesn't bother me at all. If I saw a mother kicked out cause of that I'd take my custom else where.

We will all have to wear grey and keep a straight face eventually the way things are going
I have absolutely no problem with mothers breastfeeding in public, restaurant or otherwise. Socially acceptable and natural in my eyes.

I don't care about women breastfeeding in public. Besides, the alternative is screaming babies and they're seriously irritating.

I do care about people using the "it's natural/unnatural" argument. At best, it's foolish. At worst, it's a false appeal to authority intended solely to suppress dissent - using "nature" as some people would use "god", i.e. to claim superhuman authority for their position.

Even when it's not intended that way, it's foolish to claim that nature has anything to do with good or bad, either in terms of physical harm (e.g. many toxins are natural) or ethics (e.g. murder is natural).
Its a resteraunt, people go to restaraunts to eat, babies best food is breastmilk, I fail to see the issue.

being offended doesnt magically entitle people to something, it just means theyre offended

If you apply that argument fairly, then you should also apply it to the woman in question being offended by being asked to conform to the dress code of the restaurant she was in.
It's natural, I have no problem with it in public

Nudity is natural and I have no problem with it in public.

Does that mean that nudity must be allowed everywhere and that all dress codes of any kind must be forbidden even in privately owned businesses? How about in private homes?

Murder is natural. Do you think that murder is a good thing? You seem to be arguing that it does, since you're using "natural" to mean "good" or "right", but I'm offering you the chance to clarify what you actually meant as opposed to what you typed.
Even when it's not intended that way, it's foolish to claim that nature has anything to do with good or bad, either in terms of physical harm (e.g. many toxins are natural) or ethics (e.g. murder is natural).

Whilst I agree with you main point, I wouldn't call murder (a man-made concept) natural. Killing (for food or in defence) is natural, murder is a different type of killing.
Why is everyone making such outlandish comparisons?

Instead of comparing breastfeeding to murder, nudity, masturbation, or whatever else. Why not compare it to something that is as equally beneficial to the health, development and wellbeing of mother and child?

Many people seem to be missing the point, that the babies health and basic need are being met through breastfeeding.
This is just getting blown out of all proportion. On one hand you have some women who think it's their god given right to whip out a boob when and wherever they or their baby see fit and everyone else who says otherwise will be damned. The reality is Claridges has a baby feeding policy which abides by all current legislation.

If you do not like it vote with your feet and go somewhere else. On a side note if your a boob man at some point today their will be 100+ women getting the boobs out near claridges:)
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The fact such a storm has been created over this is ridiculous....whether you like farage or not, this is a blatant attempt by the media to damage his image. The bbc would never show a woman breast feeding in a video with a bit of slipped tit showing when the baby moves etc. the hypocrisy is astounding.

All the bloke said was that the business had a right to chose their own rules and i couldn't agree with him more. I personally don't mind a woman breastfeeding. The fact is, some people don't mind seeing it when they are eating out and others would rather not see it. This is fine..... People are different. As such it's up to the business to decide what policy they wish to adopt in dealing with such situations.

No story here... Move along.
If you look down, you also have nipples. Its not really a big thing that causes you harm and the baby needs to eat so really thats far more important.
the alternative is screaming babies
Thats far more of a pain really
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