Brexit thread - what happens next

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Come back when your own loved ones start getting racially abused. My partner has lived here for well over 10 years and not until Friday has she ever felt unwelcome, suffered being called vermin and witnessed such widespread encouragement that she should '**** off home'.

To pretend this is a handful of isolated incidents is willful ignorance of a big problem and the only disgusting behaviour is from that of the abusive parties and the apparent apologism starting to surround it.

You need to report it to the Police if you haven't, this needs to be cracked down on rather than being posted on Twitter as some sort of proof that the Leave campaign has turned the clock back 30 years.
Nicola Sturgeon is the leader that the Labour Party wished it had.

Yes, we need more leaders that are happy breakup the union and lie to their voters.

Spain have said previously they will veto a newly independent nation from Europe joining the EU.

If Scotland leave they will be on they're own, which is precisely what she wants, the EU is just an excuse.
This is a major world economy who has had a protracted and serious debate and held a referendum a year later, to which a democratic result has been given. It's not some damned little kid making excuses for a mistake in his homework or exam paper. Is that how you believe your government should be doing our will? I think you should consider emigrating to an EU state if that's how you feel, it isn't going to happen, the UK isn't some banana state.

No, but we are certainly acting like some little kid that made a mistake on his homework.
Well this is certainly something:

4. Points out that negotiations under Article 50 TEU concerning the UK’s withdrawal
from the EU must begin as soon as formal notification has been communicated;
5. Warns that in order to prevent damaging uncertainty for everyone and to protect the
Union’s integrity, the notification stipulated in Article 50 TEU must take place
immediately; consequently asks the UK Prime Minister to notify the outcome of the
referendum to the European Council of 28-29 June; this notification will launch the
withdrawal procedure;

7. Recalls that any new relationship between the UK and the EU may not be agreed before
the conclusion of the withdrawal agreement;
8. Recalls that the consent of the European Parliament is required under the Treaties, and
that it must be fully involved at all stages of the various procedures concerning the
withdrawal agreement and any future relationship;

13. Will enact changes in its internal organisation to reflect the will of the citizens of the
United Kingdom to withdraw from the European Union;

14. Calls on the President of the Commission to reallocate the portfolio of the UK
Commissioner with immediate effect;
Yes, we need more leaders that are happy breakup the union and lie to their voters.

Spain have said previously they will veto a newly independent nation from Europe joining the EU.

If Scotland leave they will be on they're own, which is precisely what she wants, the EU is just an excuse.

The problem with Scotland compared to the UK as a whole, is that Scotland could not go it alone. They already had a defecit that is rising to 3x that of the rest of the UK combined. The SNP has been spending far beyond scotlands means while still receiving a lot of money from England to bolster their public services, etc.
The leader of the Westminster government will have an important role to play in any challenge to the SNP in Scotland.

Given the state of Scottish politics there is no opposition to the SNP. Labour distrusted by even their own members and LibDems still reeling from past decisions. Unlike England UKIP non-existent. So it will be seen as Westminster vs the mandate of the people of Scotland. Not a place to go if you do not want further mayhem.

Davidson has led her party well, especially in the recent elections where they made big gains. She could well prove herself to be a Unionist totem north of the border, given that she has traction with the left as well as the right.

The big gains were only in the second ballot, the SNP almost wiped the board in the constituency elections. Even the Labour leader got rejected. Davidson reminded me of Ian Paisley, almost every question was answered 'No second Referendum' somewhere. The others were asking about what people wanted to talk about like the NHS, jobs etc, Davidson kept on banging on about the Referendum which nobody had been bothered about. She got votes from the 'No' campaign but going forward what has she to offer?
Where do you forsee such a government coming from?

Currently, not sure. But I have faith. It's the make or break factor in all of this though. If no-one fills the vacuum then things will get rocky. Cameron's snap resignation shocked all I think. It wasn't a responsible act. He should have seen it through and accepted the outcome of the referendum.
I was implying going cap in hand to the EU claiming a lawful referendum result was a mistake and to "let us back in" is not the way a serious government works, it's the sort of shenanigans a banana republic might pull.

There will be people in parliament who are looking for means to do just that. Article 50 has not been triggered, the referendum has no legally binding effect, and there is widespread support for the EU in parliament. People will be looking at ways to avoid the exit, without bringing down the democratic structures of the UK and it's possible they may find one.

Personally, I think anything short of a full exit from the EU - at least in the short term - would be a big mistake for the country. Yes, it will do huge damage to our economy, our standing in the world, and our political influence for all the reasons I've spent months arguing but ignoring the result of the referendum would also do huge damage to the politics of the UK and may even have more damaging impacts in the longer term. The EU is important to our nation; democracy is more important.

If Cameron ignores their request to formally inform the EU of the result by tomorrow/29th then they can't do much. It's just words.

Interesting that the EU are themselves making known the issues of the EU we face today. You have the EU puppets like the president of the European Council telling the UK to get out now, meanwhile you have the leaders of the member states saying to calm down and that it will take time and everyone should be understanding of that.

Clear disconnection between European Council and its member states.
Can any remainers just get on with it.

You lost, the majority wants to leave, get over it!

Absolutely pathetic behaviour, acting like big whiney cry babies, especially with the accusations of racism being thrown about.
The maturity is strong with this one.
T The EU is important to our nation; democracy is more important.

I hope the next leader of the country remembers to sell that line to the people as their benefits get cut, they struggle to feed their families and to keep the lights and heatingon in their homes. The economic fallout will not impact the so called "political elite" that people thought they were kicking out at. Mr Moat will still have his moat and ducks, while Mr Steel worker will be wondering where his next pay check will be coming from..................
well we just turned ourselves into one so it may be apt.

You do spout some old guff :) Some truly amusing and childish stuff being posted by disgruntled and belligerent losers of the Remain campaign. I am magnanimous enough to put it down to their youth and a cloistering from real life during their "university education to a high level" which they cited as being a requirement they'd have liked for voters to have met, along with that of youth ;)

Accept defeat with some maturity and civility and work towards your future here or in the EU. But if the EU is your choice, be snappy, I think it's sinking ;)
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