Brexit thread - what happens next

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Not really. The EU will want a decision and will wait until a new leader is appointed then will go into overdrive to get the UK to put up or shut up. By which I mean go with Article 50 or say nothing is going to change. It is actually prolonging the uncertainty which helps no one. The EU wants to get this sorted one way or the other too. The Euro and investment to Europe will be affected too by this vacuum.

Agreed. I suppose what I was implying is that Boris has so far not expressed any urgency in triggering article 50. No one else has either, who is going to have the balls to do it, if at all. Clearly Merkel et al. are not going to entertain negotiations until then so whatever Boris or any other politician says is wishful thinking.
I was implying going cap in hand to the EU claiming a lawful referendum result was a mistake and to "let us back in" is not the way a serious government works, it's the sort of shenanigans a banana republic might pull.

To be honest right now we do look like a banana republic. No one seems to have an actual plan in place with leave suggesting number 10 should have had one all this time. Did they not communicate or something. Find out after the fact is ridiculous to be frank. Add in all the back peddling on commitments or how some leave leaders are saying that was not actually promised just makes us look stupider as a nation.
I hope the next leader of the country remembers to sell that line to the people as their benefits get cut, they struggle to feed their families and to keep the lights and heatingon in their homes. The economic fallout will not impact the so called "political elite" that people thought they were kicking out at. Mr Moat will still have his moat and ducks, while Mr Steel worker will be wondering where his next pay check will be coming from..................

Mr Steel worker was wondering that anyway, since we as a country were unable to do anything to support them due to EU rules
I was implying going cap in hand to the EU claiming a lawful referendum result was a mistake and to "let us back in" is not the way a serious government works, it's the sort of shenanigans a banana republic might pull.

Ah fair enough, thought it was just another dig at the EU, apologies.

Regarding banana republic, you could argue its he exact sort of position we've put ourselves in by voting leave with no plan.
I hope the next leader of the country remembers to sell that line to the people as their benefits get cut, they struggle to feed their families and to keep the lights and heatingon in their homes. The economic fallout will not impact the so called "political elite" that people thought they were kicking out at. Mr Moat will still have his moat and ducks, while Mr Steel worker will be wondering where his next pay check will be coming from..................
This is just turning into a misery & hyperbole circle jerk.
You do spout some old guff :) Some truly amusing and childish stuff being posted by disgruntled and belligerent losers of the Remain campaign. I am magnanimous enough to put it down to their youth and a cloistering from real life during their "university education to a high level" which they cited as being a requirement they'd have liked for voters to have met, along with that of youth ;)

Accept defeat with some maturity and civility and work towards your future here or in the EU. But if the EU is your choice, be snappy, I think it's sinking ;)

I can accept defeat, but the fall out that comes with it I cannot. The fact that people are insinuating that the racial abuse coming on to some of us is a story, the fact that there is, nor ever was a plan for moving forward and that people still think we will have some miracle deal with the EU without any of the stuff they hated like free movement and immigration.

Untill the next PM of this country or DC himself actually presses the button on article 50 this is still not technically over.

This isn;t about being a sore loser, this wasn't a football match, this is about genuine concern for the future, especially if you are at the receiving end of racial abuse that currently no one seems to have the appetite to shut down.
Currently, not sure. But I have faith. It's the make or break factor in all of this though. If no-one fills the vacuum then things will get rocky. Cameron's snap resignation shocked all I think. It wasn't a responsible act. He should have seen it through and accepted the outcome of the referendum.

Ok let me ask you another question: when do you think we last had a strong government?
Can any remainers just get on with it.

You lost, the majority wants to leave, get over it!

Absolutely pathetic behaviour, acting like big whiney cry babies, especially with the accusations of racism being thrown about.

Remainers lost a referendum, not the right to have their feelings expressed.

And your last statement implies those victims of racism are whining cry babies. Seriously?!
I hope the next leader of the country remembers to sell that line to the people as their benefits get cut, they struggle to feed their families and to keep the lights and heatingon in their homes. The economic fallout will not impact the so called "political elite" that people thought they were kicking out at. Mr Moat will still have his moat and ducks, while Mr Steel worker will be wondering where his next pay check will be coming from..................

However, mr steel worker's steel just got a lot cheaper to foreign buyers.
There will be people in parliament who are looking for means to do just that. Article 50 has not been triggered, the referendum has no legally binding effect, and there is widespread support for the EU in parliament. People will be looking at ways to avoid the exit, without bringing down the democratic structures of the UK and it's possible they may find one.

Personally, I think anything short of a full exit from the EU - at least in the short term - would be a big mistake for the country. Yes, it will do huge damage to our economy, our standing in the world, and our political influence for all the reasons I've spent months arguing but ignoring the result of the referendum would also do huge damage to the politics of the UK and may even have more damaging impacts in the longer term. The EU is important to our nation; democracy is more important.

I shakily type I am in agreement with you there :) At least about how a deceit to the British public by way of some skulduggery to still remain would have the profoundest effects on our country's reputation. I cannot believe any party could be so short sighted as to the implications of such a ploy as to attempt to pull it off.
What are you talking about? There was WW1 and the Treaty of Versallias, hyperinflation and the destruction of the established World order before the Nazi's strong-armed their way to power. One would need to be smoking the strong stuff to see any parallels between then and now.

There are some parallels. The Nazi Party would have remained a fringe party, the 1920 saw a period of growth under Weimar, but for two things - the 1929 crash leaving the country weakened and the bankrolling of the Nazi's by business and money men.
So we have had a similar crash in 2008, this referendum has shown a large part of the population angry with the ruling elite and some money people are financing fringe parties(UKIP). For the Versailles substitute the rules of the EU and there are some parallels.
No need to smoke the strong stuff just a knowledge of history will suffice.:D
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