Brexit thread - what happens next

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17 Jul 2005
[TW]Fox;29700764 said:
It also remains utterly bonkers that something so life changing for so many required only a simple majority.

Nothing else is like that. You can't change the US constitution with 51% of the vote.

How would you have done it? Only allow people who live down south and have a professional qualification to vote?

What would have been a fairer way?

The vote has demonstrated the sheer amount of interest in thos decision so surely it is something that must be decided by a direct vote from the electorate.

I will be writing to my MP as well to demonstrate my support for the leave vote..only fair given the remain voters seem to be anti democracy
19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
Have you ever seen the currency rates over a 10 year scale? Check XE. This is small potatoes compared to what happened with Lehman Brothers, it's not the end of the world, ok..

The market already had big Brexit related reductions factored in and has done for a long time. This fall is only the latest reduction caused by it, and the decline in the Pound's value is far from over. And, yes, I've looked at the ten year chart, and I've also looked at a 58 year chart - and this is still a strikingly bad fall. You have to go back to the mid 80s to find the pound so weak.

Fall in the stock exchanges are not quite as the same historically low levels but the falls there are still bad.

There's quite a big gulf between "end of the world" and "really, really bad" so, yes, it's not the end of the world; it is really, really bad.
12 Mar 2008
West sussex
[TW]Fox;29700809 said:
Before the vote took place many on the leave side had already begun complaining in advance of not winning - everything from moaning about pencils to claiming there would be fraud. Even Farage said 48/52 would be unfinished business.

There was no chance the more vocal on here would have said never mind and left it at that if the result was the opposite so it's hilarious to see some of their responses now.

yup, never mind the "2nd referendum petition" being started by a leave voter before the result.

the whole thing is a JOKE imo and I still can't believe it is happening!

the 52/48 vote is so close on a scale that I was expecting to not go through but it seems like it is. Guess we still got a long way to go but half the country is obviously against it.

now don't get me wrong, I'm not crying, if the remain was to win 52/48 I'd agree with leave side that the result is a joke.
30 Jul 2013
How would you have done it? Only allow people who live down south and have a professional qualification to vote?

What would have been a fairer way?

The vote has demonstrated the sheer amount of interest in thos decision so surely it is something that must be decided by a direct vote from the electorate.

I will be writing to my MP as well to demonstrate my support for the leave vote..only fair given the remain voters seem to be anti democracy

I'd have added a minimum 60% majority either way for Leave or Remain.
29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
How would you have done it? Only allow people who live down south and have a professional qualification to vote?

What would have been a fairer way?

The vote has demonstrated the sheer amount of interest in thos decision so surely it is something that must be decided by a direct vote from the electorate.

I will be writing to my MP as well to demonstrate my support for the leave vote..only fair given the remain voters seem to be anti democracy

Don't be silly. A system like they have used in the US in the past, where for such a major decision, 60% or 70% of the population have to be in favour, for example.

It simply is not right for this sort of change to be even considered when almost half the population are against it. Quite probably more than half if the votes were cast again following this mess.
7 Feb 2015
South West
The wishes of the 52%... I don't think it is right to say the wishes of the people when very nearly half the country is against the decision. Quite possibly more now this fallout has started.

And all of this news of people changing their mind and wanting to have voted remain instead, not much was said about the people who would rather have voted leave. The people voting remain instead of leave just did not believe it would happen.
22 Nov 2003
[TW]Fox;29700764 said:
It also remains utterly bonkers that something so life changing for so many required only a simple majority.

Nothing else is like that. You can't change the US constitution with 51% of the vote.

The only problem with that is if you gave something of this magnitude to politicians to vote on, it would never pass. There would never be enough of a majority wanting to leave as it would be political suicide to do so (that isn't saying it wouldn't be good for the country as a whole though).

You may as well just not have the option to leave if you put it in control of politicains.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
Whoa, very naive. Exit and contingency strategies exist for a multitude of scenarios, just as EU have exit strategy for member states in article 50 the government will have clear indication of steps that need to be taken to exit. Implementation will follow the given framework, outcomes will depend upon negotiations within the framework. An example is the BOE clearly had a process that was followed once the result was announced by making funds available to assist with stability in the immediate aftermath

and Camerons plan for the event of a brexit victory was to let the leave campaign present their plans for the Future UK. He made that clear through resigning, so technically we can say he has given us his plan.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
How would you have done it? Only allow people who live down south and have a professional qualification to vote?

What would have been a fairer way?

I've answered this about 10 times now but it should have been a vote in parliament by our elected representatives. If it absolutely had to be a referendum then inline with most other major democracies a significant change from the status quo should have required a greater majority, a minimum turnout or a combination of the two.

Our democratic system isn't designed for referendum which is demonstrated by the fact there have been only 3 in the history of the UK.

Just imagine the sort of genuinely awful things you could pass in a simple referendum majority!
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21 Jan 2014
It strikes me as odd that they don't have any strategy, no plan, not even aims.

It begs the question, why did they want to leave if they had no notion as to what even the short term future was going to be.

It's quite clear that the Brexit leaders have fully star out swear words please - Gilly on stick for a plan, which is what they fed the Leaver crowd; they were all going to inherit the promised land of milk and honey if they left the EU.
Not even a peep from these so called leaders now, other than some non sensical mumblings.

The Leavers probably do have some legitimate concerns, but they have been misled by the falsehood of the Brexit leaders (speaking of which, isn't there still a functioning guillotine somewhere in London? . Whatever form of government comes next for England, it better address the grievances of both the Leavers and the Remainers' , in a healthy and balanced manner, or risk a further destabilizing contagion effect within, and without England's borders.
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